
Tristan was a zebra born on Planet Squid 40 years before Rhys attacked Aurea. He was born in the village of Zulundi, which was starkly divided between white Zebras with black stripes and black Zebras with white stripes. Tristan had a rare mutation causing him to be white with white stripes, allowing himself to stay out of tribal politics. However, this came with the drawback of the fact that he would literally melt if exposed to vegetables. He had a brother named Jermie, who possessed a similar mutation that made him BOTH black with white stripes and white with black stripes. This caused him to become confused as to which side he was on. This also made him melt if he was exposed to vegetables. He eventually caught the attention of an Aztecan priest who was visiting the planet. The priest exposed Jermie to Shadow Magic, which corrupted his soul and made him an evil and manipulative being. He eventually got an army behind him and built a palace under Mirror Lake, from which he wanted to rule all of Planet Squid. Tristan, who had become the planet's Witch Doctor by then, raised another army to fight Jermie's force. The two waged a titanic war that nearly destroyed the planet and left lasting scars. When the war was over, Tristan could not bring himself to kill his own brother, and instead locked him away in a prison deep in Drum Jungle. He gave the key (The Key to the Jungle), to Weasel, a Knight of the Square Table tasked with hiding it away. After a long chain of events on Aurea later on, Lord Whelan's army succeeded in stealing the Key to the Jungle and gave it to Tate, who invaded the planet and busted Jermie out of his prison in an effort to learn Shadow Magic from him. Weasel and his friends arrived on the planet soon after, obviously trying to figure out Tate's plan. After Tristan helped them chase Tate and Jermie around Planet Squid, Weasel and his friends eventually cornered them in Mirror Lake, but found Jermie too much to handle on their own. Luckily, Tristan arrived, but was unable to overcome Jermie either. As a last resort, Tristan picked up a carrot and threw it at Jermie, killing them both. Years later, when Weasel and his friends were attacking Vigam, Tristan managed to visit them in Astral Form from time to time to give them guidance. A little less than a year later, Weasel had a conversation with him during the former's travels through Heaven.