Xbalanque and Hunahpu

Xbalanque and Hunahpu were the first two humans in existence, created when Poseidon brought tortilla dough to life. The two boys did nothing but play-fight over and over until the Lords of Death had to tell them to keep the noise level down because they could hear them all the way from Hell. The twins didn't listen and kept play-fighting. In revenge, Hades, the chief of the Lords of Death, went into the twins' house and murdered their pet macaw. Angry, the twins entered Hell and challenged the Lords of Death to a fight. Angrier than ever and knowing they would win the match, the Lords of Death agreed that they would fight, but the twins would have to do whatever the Lords wanted if the Lords of Death won. The twins agreed, and sure enough, they lost their first match and the Lords of Death put them in one of the extremely terrible and dangerous Houses of Hell, as well as forcing them to fight again the next day. When they lost the next day, the Lords of Death kept using the same punishment over and over until the twins eventually won a fight. Angrier than ever, the Lords of Death baked the twins alive in an oven before grinding their bones into flour and sprinkling them in the river of pus that encircled Hell. Six days later, the twins somehow returned in perfect condition and boasted that they could bring the dead back to life. The Lords of Death challenged them to prove it. Once the twins agreed, Hades cut out Xbalanque's heart. Xbalanque was dead for a few seconds, but he soon got up and laughed at him. The Lords of Death then begged them to kill them and bring them back from the dead. Xbalanque and Hunahpu then killed them all (except Hades, who escaped) and made the decision NOT to revive them. Hades then broke off the piece of Hell the twins were standing on and sent it flying out of Hell all the way to the Gods in Olympus. Seeing the twins as a threat to his rule, Zeus took away the twins' powers, banished them from the Nether Realm, and sent them to inhabit the empty void that was then known as the Physical Realm. Before the other three races Zeus and Poseidon created could pose a problem, Zeus decided to kick them out as well. During an argument over how to arrange the corpses of Gaea and Ouranos into a new universe, Hunahpu killed Xbalanque and realized too late that he no longer had the power to revive him. Hunahpu then arranged the sleeping Gaea into a universe full of planets and the sleeping Ouranos into the space between the planets. Hunahpu then took the animals that were exiled with him and took them to live on a planet called Earth. (Though some established populations of animals scattered across the South Galaxy) Hunahpu felt lonely on Earth, and he fashioned himself a mate out of tortilla dough. This became the first woman. Hunahpu and his mate then had children, which became the first sustainable population of humankind. As a gift to the human race, Zeus took the piece of Hell that Hades kicked Xbalanque and Hunahpu out on and gave it to the young human race, naming it Xibalba in Xbalanque's honor. Due to its distance from Earth, however, it was forgotten completely after about around three generations.