Aurean Alliance

Government Type:

Military Junta with Strong Democratic Influence

Official Language:

English (referred to in-universe as Human)


Various pantheons all devoted to technically the same Gods


Gregorian (referred to in-universe as the Human Calendar)

National Holidays:

New Year's Day (Januray 1): General festivities to bring in the New Year

Arturia Day (January 15): Commemorates the day The Pendragon was slain and Arturian independence was restored

Weasel Day (January 18): Commemorates the birthday of Weasel

Arturius Day (April 4): Commemorates the birthday of Arturius

Alliance Day (May 16): Commemorates the day that Michael signed the Alliance Charter, forming the Aurean Alliance

Ishgabangaloodoo Day (October 9): Commemorates the day the Battle of the Ishga Skies was won

Michael Day (December 16): Commemorates the birthday of Michael, the first Northern Tetrarch




Galactic Credits (1 Galactic Credit is worth about 0.76 US Dollars)

Heads of State:

Michael and Weasel's other friends


Declaration of Revolt (Signed 4 AR)

Branches of Government:

-Executive: Michael

-Legislative: Entirely left up to local governments

-Judicial: Entirely left up to local governments

National Animals:

Golden Retriever (Ishgabangaloodoo), Dragon (Arturia), Sand Worm (Alliance)


You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


-Alliance Navy

Ships by size (descending order)


-Large Transports

-Cruisers/Destroyers (Used interchangeably)

-Medium Transports



-Small Transports

-Mobile Artillery

-Fighters and Bombers

-Alliance Army

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Ishga Navy

Ships by size (descending order)





-Ground Assault Ships


-Mobile Artillery

-Fighters and Bombers

-Ishga Army

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Arturian Army (Did not exist until the Battle of Vigam)

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Planets within the alliance are free to develop their own militaries as long as their primary allegiance is to the Aurean Alliance