Septimius Severus

Septimius Severus was a human born in the countryside of Olympia 28 years before Rhys invaded Aurea. His mother was a Cyclops from Olympia. His father was a landsquid from Planet Squid. He ended up being a human because he had descent from a Rahasian at some point (though nobody really knew about this). His father died when he was very young, and he was raised mostly by his mother. His life was uneventful after that for the most part, except for the fact that his grades were so good that he got into one of Olympia's top academies, where he studied Olympian law. He graduated in 4 years and eventually wound up teaching law at that exact same school. However, this school was in a very poor area, causing Septimius Severus to begin his political career in an attempt to bring change to the region. He won election to the local government, and served as a local official for 4 years before running for and being elected to Olympia's Senate (the elected group on the planet that had no real power but provided critical advice to the Emperor). Some time later, Severus became a vocal supporter of Iohannes Cerrigia, a man seeking to overthrow the unpopular emperor (Julius Arius III) and usurp the throne. A civil war broke out between Cerrigia and Arius, and at first Cerrigia was winning, but Arius managed to turn the war around and win a costly victory. Severus and other supporters of Cerrigia were almost put to death, but Arius decided against it out of fear of causing another revolt. Some more time later, another revolt broke out. Julius Arius III had become so unpopular that the people wanted to abolish the imperial system altogether and switch to democracy. The revolt consisted of a group called the Democracy Front, a citizen-army that Tate manipulated into fighting against Weasel and his friends at the Battle of Olympus so Tate could kidnap The Gods. The Democracy Front won, causing Julius Arius III to abdicate. An election for President was held, in which Septimius Severus decided to run. Severus ran against an opponent named Iohannes Canus, against whom he won in a landslide (despite widespread but untrue conspiracy theories that Severus was born on Planet Squid instead of Olympia, which would make him ineligible to be president if true). As President of Olympia, he turned the economy around, bailing out several failed banks and industries (though this nearly doubled Olympia's debt). He also took steps to modernize the nation, having the legionaries replace their pila with rifles and substituting tanks for cavalry. An Olympian Air Force was also created. Electricity was also brought to Olympia, and the planet underwent rapid industrialization. He also pulled troops out of Awal Kabab after al-Mukhtabi was killed in a raid on his house. After his presidency, he retired to his home in Poli, where he later died peacefully in his sleep.