
Ryan was born on Aurea 22 years before Rhys's invasion. He never knew his father (who was an alcoholic living on Ryu 97) and his mother had moved from Ryu 97 to Aurea while she was pregnant with Ryan. Growing up without a father or much knowledge of his culture, Ryan went to the University of Jade Palace on Ryu 97 after he finished high school. When he graduated, he served in the Ryu 97 military, where he fought against a communist insurrection in the southern jungles for a few months. It is here that he barely survived an attack by a fully-grown Oni Demon that killed his friend Bo Lin. He then returned to Aurea, where he became Weasel's Royal Advisor just before Inquisitor Rhys landed on the planet looking for the Key to the Jungle. During the war against Rhys, one of the people who joined him and Weasel was a juvenile Oni Demon named Maxwell. Ryan initially attacked Maxwell and had to be calmed down by Weasel due to his hatred of Oni Demons after what happened on Ryu 97. This incident would lead to the two having trouble getting along over the years. A year after Rhys was killed, Lord Whelan and Lord Ombra attacked the planet. Though they were both eventually killed, Lord Whelan's army took the Key to the Jungle back to Tate, who then used it to bust Jermie out of prison on Planet Squid. Also, Santa Muerte used her powers to revive Rhys, Ombra, and Whelan. Ryan had to fight off all three of these while the rest of Weasel's friends went deeper into the palace complex.After the events on Planet Squid, Ryan journeys with Weasel and his friends to Aztlan, which Tate ends up destroying. Later, Weasel and his friends attack Tate on Ryu 108 and succeed in chasing him off the planet, but he learns Shadow Magic in the process. After Ryu 108, Tate lures Weasel and his friends into a trap on Awal Kabab that results in the Tatians taking control of the Aurean Government and Weasel going into exile. Ryan is forced to become Tate's advisor for a while (due to being the Royal Advisor during Weasel's reign), but quits his job after less than a year. He then goes into exile on Rahasy for a year before he decides to search the galaxy for Weasel. After visiting numerous planets (including Ishgabangaloodoo) from Tatian rule, Ryan eventually landed on Ryu 97 and found Weasel packing his things to go to Arturia. Ryan asked Weasel to come with him and help him liberate planets, but Weasel gave Ryan a lecture about the three jings and told Ryan that he is utilising neutral jing (seemingly doing nothing, but waiting and listening for the right moment to strike), and that now was not the right moment to strike. Weasel then leaves for Arturia and Ryan then stays on Ryu 97 and liberates the planet from Tatian control. He then tries to liberate Ryu 108, but is defeated at Andrew's Holt and is forced to retreat. Ryan then returns to Ishgabangaloodoo, where he gets together with Weasel's remaining allies and founds the Aurean Alliance, a group of rebels with the goal of reconquering Aurea from Tate and restoring peace to The Galaxy. With a Tatian invasion on the horizon, Ryan and Michael scrape together a military from the planets they liberated and manages to successfully defend all but one of them from Tate (Planet Squid fell into Tatian hands, but was retaken after a few months). After years of intense fighting, news reaches Ryan that Tate is preparing an all-out invasion force to reconquer all the planets and destroy the Aurean Alliance. Seeing no other option, Ryan goes to the rebel archives on Ishgabangaloodoo and finds the TURDIS Weasel and his friends used to travel to Awal Kabab all those years ago. He then types Weasel on the keyboard, causing Weasel's Sword of Caliber on Arturia to glow red. This results in Weasel's old friends being summoned to Arturia and a long chain of events there culminating in Nate slaying The Pendragon and freeing Weasel and King Arturius. Ryan then goes with Weasel and his friends to liberate the planet of Vigam from Tatian rule, after which they catch the Tatian invasion force before it can reach Alliance territory. They then destroy the invasion force at the Battle of the Main Strip, during which Aurea is recaptured and Weasel is put back on the throne. Ryan then reassumes his role as Royal Advisor and goes with Weasel on many missions, including the ones to Atlantea and Olympia. While Weasel and Taftenkhamun go to Rahasy to find Akhet-Ra's ghost, Ryan is tasked with leading Aurea in his long absence, during which he helps defend Ryu 97 from Tate's last major offensive of the war. After the Battle of Ryu 97 and Weasel's long excursion on Eaglypt, Weasel comes back via the Spirit Realm and decides it is time to finally attack Caput Tatiium. After taking nearly a year to unite the planet against Tatian rule, they finally reach Tate's Castle, where Ryan slays Lord Ombra and helps fight Tate. Not much is known about Ryan's life after the war except that he settled down on Aurea and had 3 sons: Senshi, Supai, and Nendo before passing away quietly in his sleep at age 80.