
Maxwell was born over three thousand years ago in the Spirit Realm of Ryu 97. He is the youngest of the four Oni Demons, with the rest being millennia older than him. Even with the body of a small child by Oni standards, he weighed over a ton and was nine feet tall by the time he was banished from the Spirit Realm for publishing a very controversial video called "Cat Mario". By this time, it was around a hundred years before Inquisitor Rhys would invade Aurea. During this time, he eventually assimilated into the peasant class of Ryu 97's population, but the Samoorai despised him for being an Oni Demon. He fought in the Jungle War in the planet's Southern Jungles against a Communist rebellion called the Viet Koi. He lost his best friend Bo Lin during the war, and now every time someone says the word "jungle", Maxwell has flashbacks of both this and "Cat Mario". After the war, he started an interplanetary fast food chain called "Pet Koh" but the trademark for the name got pulled by Space PETA and he went out of business. It is then that he decided Ryu 97 was not the place for him anymore and immigrated to Aurea looking for a better life. He eventually settled in the city of Wancyra, where he met Garett and Fundisa Ironhoof, refugees from Planet Squid. However, Inquisitor Rhys and his forces invaded the planet soon after, hunting down anyone from Planet Squid to learn about the Key to the Jungle. One day, Rhys busts into their apartment building and interrogates Garett. Weasel, and Ryan enter the room at the last minute and manage to distract Rhys long enough for Maxwell, Garett, and Fundisa to get away, but Ryan is stung by Rhys and put in a state of suspended animation. After a long chain of events that involves finding and killing Rhys and bringing Ryan back from is coma, Ryan, a Samoorai, sees an Oni Demon in front of him and tries to attack. Weasel then explains that Maxwell is not evil. After a year, Inquisitor Rhys's associates, Lord Ombra and Lord Whelan land on the planet, looking for the Key to the Jungle. After helping them take down this menace, he journeyed with them to Planet Squid, where they learned that Inquisitor Rhys, Lord Whelan, and Lord Ombra were all working for Tate. They then traveled to Aztlan, a planet they failed to save from destruction, and then to Ryu 108, where they stopped another one of Tate's evil plans. Finally, they went to Awal Kabab, where Tate distracted them and used the planet as bait while his forces staged a coup in Aurea, taking over the entire galaxy. Maxwell was a founding member of the Aurean Alliance, a rebel group in the northeastern corner of the galaxy aimed at restoring Aurean control of their former territories. Over the next 19 years, Maxwell fought in many battles However, he was captured during the Battle of Rinascita and later held in the clocktower of a mobster named Mike Corleone on Ishgabangaloodoo. It was here that he learned of Weasel's return and the reconquest of Aurea. He was soon freed by Weasel's friends, who were tracking down Ali Baboon, who stole the blueprints for the Shadow Weapons. They succeed in cornering Ali Baboon in Big Ben, and take the blueprints back. They then transmit them to the Aurean database, but The Hacktivist soon hacks into the database and downloads a copy of the blueprints before deleting the original from the archives. Weasel then tasks Maxwell with returning to his home planet of Ryu 97 and garrisoning it against any possible invasion. Weasel's worst fears are realized around a year later when Maxwell says Tate is colluding with the Onis in the Spirit World to prepare a massive invasion of Ryu 97. Weasel decides to send all his friends to Ryu 97 to deal with this while he looks for the Eye of Horus on Eaglypt. Once Weasel and his friends arrive, Maxwell explains how the Onis practically control the planet by enforcing a strict, rigid class system on it. When he asks the Emperor, Aaron, what the situation is, he explains that the Ninjas, who are mostly pigs, have been hired by the Onis to open Spirit World portals that Tate and the Onis will be using to invade the planet from the Spirit World. During the journey around the planet to close all the portals, Maxwell returns to the Southern Jungles to pay his respects to the grave of Bo Lin. However, the closing of the portals and defeat of most of their land reserves does nothing more than anger the Oni, who make a new Spirit World portal in the middle of the ocean. Maxwell then returns with Weasel's friends to Emperor Aaron, who decides it is time to depose the Chogun and abolish the class system. Once these are accomplished, the Emperor begins levying troops from around the planet. Maxwell and Weasel's friends then begin preparing the planet's defensive structures and preparing the war machines. Soon after, a gigantic armada of Tatian ships comes out of the Spirit World, as well as the Oni Demons. Tate's force first landed on Tsunami Island, where a cavalry force had been stationed to delay them. As predicted, the cavalry force was annihilated and the island was under Tatian control. Next, the Tatians invaded Shiki Island, where they easily defeated a larger cavalry force headed by Selinna Tran. The next evening, the Tatians made landfall on the mainland, attacking Hakata Beach. However, Tate, knowing that reinforcements would arrive and could overwhelm him, made the fateful decision to re-embark his men onto the ships for the night so his forces can't be marooned on Ryuan soil. By the next morning, there were only a few ships left on the shore as a powerful typhoon struck and those ships that were not on the coast were all destroyed. Tate himself managed to survive and protect the would-be-drowned troops with Shadow Magic, and they attacked the next day. The Ryuans were taken completely by surprise and they began to recede fast. The Tatians eventually got past the beach fortifications and began attacking the village of Ryukyu, a suburb of the capital. After suffering initial heavy losses, Maxwell rallied his troops and told them the first thing they needed to do was panic the Onis. Once the Ryuans succeeded in panicking the Onis and driving them from the field, the Onis accidentally trampled some Tatian troops during the escape, killing many. With the Onis gone, Tate decided to retreat to his camp for the night. The next morning, reinforcements from inland began arriving. Maxwell ingeniously instructed them to arrive in many small waves to make it seem to the enemy like there were more reinforcements than there really were, lowering their morale. Taking advantage of the lack of Onis, Maxwell ordered a general attack on the Tatian lines. However, this was repulsed and the Ryuans were dealt plenty of casualties. Maxwell then decided to use a new strategy and disguised his horses and kirins as strange monsters. This freaked out the Tatians' horses, causing them to attempt to flee. This cavalry disorganization exposed the Tatians' left-center infantry, which immediately came under heavy attack by the Ryuans. However, a breakthrough could not be made and both sides returned to their camps for the night. The next day, Maxwell ordered a surprise attack by his left center on the Tatians' right center, followed by a general attack of the Ryuan Army. The Tatians' left wing and left center were pushed back, allowing the Ryuans to break through the Tatians' center and send them fleeing their boats. Maxwell then made a bold move: send the Ryuans through the Spirit World Portal and defeat the Tatians on their own turf. A few days later, the Ryuans had completely embarked and were following the Tatians through the Spirit World portal. Once they arrived, both sides set up camp, lined up their troops, and prepared for battle. The Tatians had their entire expeditionary force here, as well as over a hundred more Oni Demons. The Ryuans had their full army there, including crouching tiger cannons. The first move made was by Maxwell, who ordered the cannons to fire, killing over a third of the Oni Demons. While the cannons were being reloaded, the Tatians charged, with the Onis at the front of their lines. Keeping calm and level-headed after having prior experience repulsing Onis, the Ryuans intentionally made gaps in their lines that allowed the Onis to get through. They then started attacking them with naginata, either driving from the field or killing them all. By this time, the crouching tiger cannons were reloaded and were firing on the Tatians that were trying to charge them, sending them crashing back into their own lines. Taking advantage of this chaos, Maxwell sent all his cavalry to attack the front lines, disguised as monsters to keep the Tatian horses at bay. However, the Tatians held their ground and the Ryuans were repulsed. Unable to achieve the quick victory that they each wanted, both sides retired to their camps. The next morning, the Tatian front lines were greeted by another volley of cannonfire, as well as volleys of tanegashima shots. Since the Tatians no longer had any Onis to lose, Tate ordered a general attack on the Aureans when the cannons were reloading. Though slowed down by tanegashima fire, the Tatians got to the cannons fast enough to disable or destroy all of them. The Tatians then caught the Ryuans off-guard by sending in their cavalry, who the Ryuans thought they drove from the field the day before. Maxwell ordered his gunmen to redirect their fire from the Tatian infantry to the cavalry. While the cavalry were getting pounded by volley after volley of tanegashima fire, Tate's infantry was already halfway through the Ryuan right center when Maxwell had to personally intervene and lead a contingent of 50 men to attack from the rear and dislodge them. One of his friends and best generals, Delaney, was killed during this action. Once the Tatian cavalry was finally driven from the field (for good this time), the gunmen redirected their fire at the Tatian infantry, pushing them back to their own lines. The next morning, Tate brought the last 3 Oni Demons into battle. Maxwell, not wanting to kill his own family, ordered his army to harass the demons until they are unconscious, but not to kill them. However, those Oni Demons were only a distraction, as Tate tried to flank the Ryuans again with his infantry. In response, Maxwell sent his cavalry to dislodge them, which he succeeded in doing. As the sun was setting, both sides returned to their camps for the night. The next morning, Maxwell was sick of the stalemate and decided to try something new. He thinned out his lines, baiting the Tatians into a general attack. They fell for this, thinking they could break the Ryuans' thin lines. However, they bent rather than broke, surrounding them on all sides but the rear in a sort of bow. Seizing his chance, Maxwell ordered his cavalry to attack the Tatians' rear, trapping them and packing them so close together they could no longer use their weapons effectively. After an immense slaughter, the Jade Oni surrendered and Tate left the planet with his surviving troops. The terms of the peace deal between the Ryuans and the Onis were that the Onis were to stop forcing the class system on Ryu 97. They would also abolish the office of Chogun which the Onis used to indirectly control the planet. Once the deal was signed, Maxwell and Weasel's friends left Ryu 97 and met back up with Weasel in space. They then invaded Caput Tatiium, where after many hard-fought battles and dealings with local tribes, they finally defeated Tate and ended the war.