Ryu 108

This planet is inhabited by Bears, Wolves, Ravens, Boars, and Grendels and is based on Norse Mythology. Appears in Books 1, 3, 4, and 6.


-Bear Viking: Most common type of soldier, composed of Bears from Bjørnholm and the Ulvskog. Armed with Viking Armor, a Wooden Shield, a Viking Broadsword, and some carry Great Axes.

-Wolf Viking: Composed of Wolves from the Ulvskog. Armed with daggers, sacrificing strength and defense for speed.

-Raven Wizard: Composed of Ravens from Hrafnfjell. Armed with Astral Magic, though some have been known to use Shadow Magic illegally.

-Standard Grendel: Composed of Type 1 Grendels from the Ulvskog and Nidavellir. Armed with Viking Broadswords and some Astral Magic.

-Grendel Witch Doctor: Composed of Type 2 Grendels from the Ulvskog and Nidavellir. Armed with Staffs and a large amount of Astral Magic.

-Grendel Brute: Composed of Type 3 Grendels from Nidavellir. Armed with sheer size, brute strength, and sometimes a mallet, club, or spear.

-Boarbarian: Composed of Boars from the Boarbarian Camp in the Ulvskog among other places. Armed with spears and shields.


-Viking Broadsword: Made of steel, works equally well as a cutting and stabbing weapon.

-Wooden Shield: A shield made of wood. Has a large iron boss in the center that can be used as a weapon when the shield is used in a jabbing motion against the opponent.

-Great Axe: A large single-bladed axe that has its blade mounted at the end of a long pole, allowing for max-power 2-handed blows. Can cut through human bodies like butter.

-Onager: Imported from Olympia.

-Recurve Bow: Imported from Ryu 97.

-Spear: Long wooden stake with an iron tip that is thrown at people.

Land Vehicles:

-Arturian Elk (Megaloceros)






-Wooly Rhinos

Space Vehicles:

-Ryuan Longship: Viking longship modified by the Ishgas for air and space. Its only weapons are the archers manning it.

Sea Vehicles:

-Ryuan Longship: Can double as a sea vehicle.

National Animal:




-Manufactured Goods

-Precious metals





-Iron Ore




-Exotic wildlife


-Magic products

Geography: This planet is composed of two continents: Bjørnborg in the south and Hrafnborg in the north. Bjørnborg is almost completely covered in boreal forest with a cold-temperate climate. Hrafnborg's southern half is boreal forest, but its northern half is an extremely rocky landscape combined with vast tundra with a frigid climate.

Ethnic Groups:




