Lord Etbo

Lord Etbo was born on Eaglypt 47 years before Book 1. His life did not get off to a good start, as he grew up in a poor family where his father was an alcoholic that constantly beat him, and his mother was constantly cheating on his father. As they lived on an isolated farm away from most other people, he developed a very cynical view of people in general. One day, he overheard two priests that were illegal practitioners of Shadow Magic talking about Tate's plans to remodel the galaxy by destroying the old one and making a new one. Seeing this as an opportunity to help wipe out people other than himself, who he saw as unfit to inhabit the galaxy, he asked them how he could help serve Tate. They told him to earn the trust of Pharaoh Akhet-Ra. They suggested he do this by becoming a fur stylist for Anubians and then asking to become the fur stylist of Taftenkhamun, who was known for being made fun of by his parents for having weird fur styles. Etbo then went into the styling business, where he was soon recognized across all of Eaglypt. Akhet-Ra, sure enough, recruited him to be Taftenkhamun's fur stylist. Lord Etbo then moved to Eaglypt's royal palace, where he would (whenever he was left alone) send messages to Tate about local politics and the size of the Eaglyptian Army. After about a year, however, Taftenkhamun caught Etbo doing this and told Akhet-Ra what he saw. As a result, Etbo was banished to the desert and Akhet-Ra hid the Eye of Horus in the Duat to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. A month or so later, Tate invaded Eaglypt with a massive army and Etbo rushed to join him. Tate then easily destroyed the Eaglyptian Army at the Battle of Qadesh, allowing him to march on Eaglypt's capital and demand the location of the Eye of Horus from Akhet-Ra. Akhet-Ra then lied to him and said he destroyed it, causing Tate to fly into a fit of rage and dry Bahariya Oasis with a massive sandstorm. Without any accessible and large source of water to irrigate their crops, a massive famine began that would wipe out all life on Eaglypt. Taftenkhamun managed to escape when Akhet-Ra sent him off-planet. Etbo left with Tate and his army. After this, Etbo teamed up with Inquisitor Rhys and Sir Will of Cole, two of Tate's warlords, in an effort to make money for The Cabal by selling drugs to everyone. They stole a bunch of materials from a junkyard on Ishgabangaloodoo and used them to build the Furtim Navis, a ship that they would use to smuggle drugs around the galaxy. When it was clear this wasn't working, they instead traveled to Awal Kabab, where they became drug dealers at the Black Market to finance Tate's ambitions. One of their most frequent customers was a Cowlander from Arturia named Sir Michael Jones. Etbo, Will, and Rhys eventually convinced him to join the Cabal, which was what Tate and his group of warlords were starting to call themselves. However, Sir Michael Jones would spend most of the rest of his life as a sleeper agent as Arturia and not do anything substantial until the Battle of Loch Nimue. Due to his preexisting bloodlust, Etbo became one of Tate's most trusted warlords, almost as much as Santa Muerte. When news broke that Rhys was killed in a mission on Aurea, Etbo did not even bat an eye, only seeing him as another inferior being scratched off his list. During the opening stages of the war against Weasel, his friends, and the Aureans, Etbo was too busy with his drug trade on Awal Kabab to get involved. Only when the war came to Awal Kabab did he participate, dueling his old customer Taftenkhamun to a standstill before the latter was captured. After the Tatians seized control of the Aurean government during the Battle of Awal Kabab, Etbo went back to his drug trade. However, his profits took a massive hit after the death of Sir Michael Jones during the Battle of Loch Nimue. During this time, Etbo developed a grand plan to rule over a new perfect race: allow Tate to create his new universe, then betray and kill him and rule it himself. However, Etbo knew that his own power was tiny compared to Tate's, causing him to begin exposing himself to Shadow Magic. As Lord Etbo was already evil, this did not taint his soul any more than it already was. By the time news broke of Weasel's return to the galaxy after 19 years of exile, Etbo was a master of Shadow Fire and Astral Lightning, once practice-dueling Santa Muerte (who used to be much stronger than him) to a standstill. Soon after, word reached him that Weasel and his friends had invaded Vigam. He landed there with some of Tate's other warlords in a last-ditch effort to defend Brian's Palace, but was defeated by Weasel and his friends like the rest. Sir Will of Cole and Inquisitor Rhys were killed on Vigam, abruptly ending Etbo's years in the drug trade. This was a serious wake-up call for him, and he began dedicating almost all of his time after that to training. This led to Tate gradually placing less trust in him because he was beginning to think something was up. Soon after, Etbo dueled all of Tate's warlords in a practice match and won. Etbo then practice-dueled Tate and actually managed to hold his own against Tate's first form, but was defeated within seconds after Tate transformed to his second form. This caused Tate to become terrified of Etbo. As a result, Tate decided to send Etbo on what he thought was a suicide mission: returning to his home planet of Eaglypt to ensure that Weasel did not gain access to the Eye of Horus. Etbo arrived much sooner than Weasel, allowing him to sow discord among the spirits wandering the tombs. While Weasel was distracted with this battle against these spirits, Etbo ambushed him in the Pharaoh's Retreat. At first, it almost looked as though Etbo could beat him, but Weasel was holding back. Weasel then unleashed some more of his power and handily defeated Etbo, but Etbo managed to escape by playing dead. When Etbo returned to Caput Tatiium, Tate sought to off him through many schemes, such as leaving him in charge of the Gatinoles, the tribe that he knew Weasel and his friends would attack first. Tate stationed Etbo closest to the entrance to his palace, hoping that he would be killed. This was confirmed when Taftenkhamun, empowered by his training on Ryu 97, fought Etbo to a standstill and eventually managed to kill him.