

Species: Cobra

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Pronouns: He/him

Languages Spoken:

-Dhegastani (Native Language)

-Mongoosian (Fluent in childhood, loses most of it as he ages and starts mixing his native Dhegastani into it)

-Galactic Basic (Fluent)

-Arturian (Barely Conversational)

Eye Color: Brown

Scale Color: Olive green with black and white bands on back

Birth Date: January 12th, 18 BR (Current age is 72, is 40 at end of series)

Birthplace: Simhakhand, Dhegastan, Bharatam, Mongoose Empire

Place of Death: n/a

Burial Place: n/a


-Knight of the Square Table (11 BR-present)

-His Majesty's Ambassador to Aurea (2 BR-2 AR, 21 AR)

-GTU's Ambassador to the Mongoose Empire (21-37 AR)

-Prime Minister of the GTU (37 AR-present)