Editing Rules

1. Follow the correct format for your page type. If you don't know what the correct format is for your page type, look at another page from that section and see how it is written.

2. Don't directly edit until being greenlit by Wesley. Type everything into the comments for that page first. If Wesley approves it, THEN you can put that on the actual page. If Wesley does not approve, he will tell you what you need to fix.

3. Only edit open pages. Unless a page has the words "open for/to editing" on it in bold font (or is completely blank), leave it alone. If you're having a hard time finding these, try searching the words "open to editing" in the search bar that appears on every page on the site. You may also NEVER create new pages without Wesley's permission.

4. Don't post rude, offensive, or stupid things. Simple enough.

5. Incorporate known data. If a page that is open for editing contains known data (i.e. a Home Planet), it MUST be used when editing.

6. Read before you edit. If you are editing a page, it is be helpful to search the site for that topic to see if it is used anywhere else, and if it is, see any additional information about it.

7. This counts as CAS.

8. Make sure links are adequate. When editing a page, if you mention something that has its own page, make a link to it (and make sure the "open link in new tab" box is checked. Also, search the site for mentions of any page you just completed, and make sure there are links to the page from those as well.

9. Do not upload files without Wesley's permission. Google Sites has a limited number of space you can use without having to pay, and I'm already running low as it is.

10. Do not delete ANYTHING without Wesley's permission.

11. Failure to follow rules 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10 will result in you being banned from the site. Permanently.