
Rory was a wild Yutyrannus born on Aztlan sometime during the events of Book 6. The egg that Rory hatched out of was the only egg in his mother's nest to survive a cold spell that went through the area a week or two before hatching. One day, Rory's mother left the nest to go out hunting to bring back some meat for Rory. However, she never returned. She was killed when she attacked the Tatian camp's stables. While Rory was waiting for his now-dead mother to return, Tate had performed a ritual that caused the age-old asteroid Xibalba to begin a collision course with Aztlan. As chunks of the asteroid began raining down from the sky, Nate noticed Rory wandering the area, looking for his mother. As the planet would soon be uninhabitable, Nate picked up the pint-sized Rory and put him in his bag, taking him with him on the Pa-Ankh as he left Aztlan with Weasel and his friends. At first, Weasel and his friends panicked when they realized that Nate had brought such a creature with him (the Yutyrannus was one of Aztlan's largest and most feared beasts), but Morgan reminded them of the T. Rex that Santa Muerte tamed. Once Weasel and his friends returned to Aurea, Taftenkhamun built a gigantic stable into the hull of the Pa-Ankh for Rory to live in. By the time Weasel and his friends journeyed to Ryu 108, Rory was already the size of a golden retriever and his previous diet of dead mice proved insufficient. As a result, they were forced to begin feeding him the same diet of dead raccoons that Shredder ate. During the mission on Ryu 108, Nate began bringing Rory into battle, with his roar helping to intimidate enemies and raise morale. By the time Weasel and his friends went to Awal Kabab, Rory was the size of a Saint Bernard. During the 19 years between the events on Awal Kabab and the events on Arturia, Rory grew and grew until he was 11'2" and weighed 1.52 tons. Since Rory had imprinted on Nate after the death of his mother, Rory identified with sentient beings and only posed a threat to the ones who crossed Nate (though he once almost destroyed the Pa-Ankh when Nate forgot to feed him). By this time, Nate would often ride around on Rory's back, using a saddle that he had Taftenkhamun build for him. Rory came with Nate during the mission to Arturia. When Shelby brought home a baby dragon named Steve from that mission, everyone thought that Steve risked being eaten by Rory, but the two soon got used to each other. Later on, when Ryan brought back Voltaire from Atlantea, the shark was too large for Rory to consider eating, but too small to consider eating Rory. Eventually, Nate found a female Yutyrannus (the last one left in the wild) on New Aztlan (which is what Aztlan was called after its civilization began to recover) and bred Rory with it to ensure the survival of the species. Soon after this, however, when Reshon, Noah, Lord Jimenez, and the Squidian Brigade went on their high-risk mission to Atlantea, they asked Nate to bring Rory along because of his roar's ability to intimidate almost any enemy unused to it. During the mission, Rory used his roar to scare away Tatian troops from the access point that Reshon and Noah needed to use to sneak into the Tatian Base there. However, although Rory took out hundreds of Tatian Troops, he was eventually killed by a Tatian air strike. Since everything on that area of Atlantea was swept away by the testing of the T-Ray, Tate's new superweapon, Rory's body was never recovered. After realizing that Rory was dead, Nate built a small memorial for him at the spot on Aztlan where he had found Rory as a hatchling. Rory's 6 children with the female Yutyrannus from Aztlan would go on to repopulate the entire species.