Book 05 Plot

After traveling through a portal at the back of Tristan’s Hut, Weasel and his friends appear at the bottom of Mirror Lake. The magic of the portal also allows them to breathe underwater for the rest of their lives, solving that issue. Here, they find a Dolphin named Shelby. She says that, while she was forced to work for Tate, she does not want to serve the forces of evil and wants to join their side. However, she will not help them until after they defeat her in battle to prove their worth. After she is defeated, she says that Tate is on Shining Mountain, directly above them. She leads them up a ramp that leads out of the water and onto the peak of Shining Mountain. On Shining Mountain, Tate explains his plan to learn Shadow Magic from Jermie once he restores the Sunken Palace and makes Jermie King of Planet Squid before saying that one of the warlords he has with him, Santa Muerte, has power over the dead and has resurrected Inquisitor Rhys, Lord Ombra, and Lord Whelan. Morgan then reveals that Santa Muerte is in fact her twin sister, Beth, who was forced by her parents to join the Tatians after her brother was killed fighting for them. There, she was found by Tate, who took her to Aztlan, where she became a killing machine, destroying entire civilizations and slaughtering millions. It is here that she gained the nicknamed “Santa Muerte”. Nate then says that, while he was growing up on Aztlan, his home city of Tenochtitlan was destroyed by Santa Muerte, forcing him to hide out in the swamps to the east. It is here that he met Maxwell, Garett, and Fundisa. After a battle with Santa Muerte’s army, he emigrated to Aurea. Shelby then adds that the brutality of Santa Muerte that she witnessed during her training on Aztlan is what turned her off to siding with Tate. As Weasel and his friends are preparing for the battle of their lives, Tate escapes while Inquisitor Rhys, Lord Ombra, Lord Whelan, Elliot, and Sir Will of Cole emerge from behind Tate and attack them all at once. Shelby defeats Inquisitor Rhys, Weasel defeats Sir Will of Cole, Cole defeats Lord Whelan, and Taftenkhamun defeats Elliot. After this battle, they catch up with Tate, who holds up the 4 Golden Artifacts, causing the water level to fall, exposing the Sunken Palace. Weasel and his friends then chase Tate into the palace. As Tate is about to crown Jermie King of Planet Squid, a well-shot arrow from Morgan removes the crown from Tate’s hand and shatters it against the wall. With that, everybody gangs up on Jermie, who is eventually killed by Ryan. However, with the last of his energy, Jermie holds up a Krispy Kreme. The scent of the Krispy Kreme summons his larger, stronger, and more insane brother, Julius. After an immensely long battle, nobody is able to defeat Julius, until Tristan appears, having followed them to Mirror Lake in case something went wrong. He then holds up a vegetable, causing both himself and Julius to melt. With that, Tate loses his composure completely and begins a nightmarish transformation into his 2nd Form. The sheer force of this shatters the surface of Mirror Lake, completing the first verse of the prophecy. Tate then attacks Weasel and his friends, easily beating all of them to within an inch of their lives. He gets bored after a while, returns to his first form, and then leaves after stating that he has a Plan B. Weasel and his friends then return to Baobab, where they hold a funeral service for Tristan before preparing the Pa-Ankh for the journey back to Aurea.