The Sands of Time

This is probably the location in The Nether Realm easiest for mortals to access. It is accessed through the back door of the Chronoverge on Awal Kabab. It is a vast desert that stretches a nearly infinite distance across. Each grain of sand represents a moment of history in the galaxy's time. If one is skilled enough in Shadow Magic, they can reach into the sands and resurrect a dead person temporarily. Its temporal power has caused Turdae near Awal Kabab to malfunction. As time passes, the sands are pulled into a vortex, which leads to Limbo, where it falls straight down through the Plane of Existence into a pit that represents the past. As this forms a giant hourglass, it is said that if the bottom of the vortex were to fill with sand, Olympus would fall below The Plane of Existence and it would be the end of the universe.