
Maddie was a human born on Awal Kabab 31,977 years before Book 1. Since she was born the same day that Eska, then Woman of Light and Shadow, died, Maddie was taken, along with 3 other babies born on Awal Kabab that day, to Awal Kabab's Shadow Temple. There, all the babies were given a variety of objects to pick from as their first toys. One of them was the Spear of a Thousand Winds (Eska's prized possession), and the others were all useless trinkets. Maddie picked the Spear of a Thousand Winds, and the other children all picked the useless trinkets, indicating that she was the next Woman of Light and Shadow. She was returned to her parents, who were poor goat herders, to live a relatively normal life until she was 16. When she was 16 (as was the custom at the time), one of Awal Kabab' Shadow Sages showed up at her farm and told her and her parents that she was the next Woman of Light and Shadow. Maddie then set out to travel the galaxy and fulfill her destiny to master Astral and Shadow Magic. Thanks to the galactic peace painstakingly established by Eska, Maddie did not have to face any major conflicts for a while. This led to her attempting to live a somewhat normal life, even as the Woman of Light and Shadow. To punish her for her lack of dedication, The Gods sent Beelzebub, Awal Kabab's God of Death, to unleash plagues on the planet. Since she was not the best at fighting due to the fact that she never really had to fight before, she was easily beaten (but not killed) when she went to fight Beelzebub. After this, she decided to travel the galaxy again, learning exotic combat styles and martial arts forms from planets ranging from Ryu 108 to Planet Squid. When she returned to Awal Kabab, she was able to defeat Beelzebub in battle and force him to leave the planet. This action was enough to convince The Gods that Maddie was dedicated enough to her job. However, Maddie would spend the next 5 years or so cleaning up the damage caused by Beelzebub. By the time she was done with this, practice had made Maddie one of the strongest Men/Women of Light and Shadow since the cycle started nearly 5,000 years earlier. Once the effects of Beelzebub's plagues were completely reversed, her earlier lack of commitment to being Woman of Light and Shadow was redeemed, breaking her spiritual floodgates and allowing her to enter Shadow Mode at will, as well as to communicate with her past lives at will. Around a year later, word got out that Domitian, an extremely dangerous crimelord from Olympia who Eska had put in prison decades earlier, had escaped. Together with her friends, Maddie tracked this menace across the galaxy for decades until eventually finding him on the (then uninhabited) planet that would eventually become Aurea. Maddie dueled him to the death, eventually killing him. However, he landed one blow as he was dying that resulted in Maddie dying as well. Maddie's body was buried in Awal Kabab's Shadow Temple. More than 31,000 years later, Weasel was on Awal Kabab, searching for a way into the Genie Realm so he could use it to sneak himself and his friends into Tate's Castle. One day, while he was out in the desert, he stumbled upon Awal Kabab's Shadow Temple, long-forgotten and almost completely buried under the sand. Once inside, he came across an ancient mural of Maddie and fell into a trance. While he was unconscious, Maddie's ghost showed up in a dream, telling him that she was one of his past lives and the story of what she accomplished as Woman of Light and Shadow. She also told him not to let the mistakes that he made early on get in the way of what he needed to do. Maddie then told Weasel how to get into the Genie Realm before Weasel woke up and left the temple.