Santa Muerte


Full Name: Elisabeta Khan

Species: Mortal-Mermaid Hybrid Tangolian

Sex: Female

Gender Identity: Female

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Pronouns: She/her

Languages Spoken:

-Common Aurean (Native language)

-Otrar (Raised in a bilingual household but only remembers a few words and phrases)

-Centralian (Fluent in youth but loses most of it as she ages)

-Galactic Basic (Fluent)

-Aztlanian (Fluent in youth but loses most of it gradually after the Aztlanian Genocide)

-Avian (Conversational in youth but loses it entirely after the Aztlanian Genocide)

-Winged Tooth (Barely conversational in youth but loses it entirely after the Aztlanian Genocide)

Eye Color: Blue (this is the color of her synthetic eyes, her natural ones were brown)

Feather Color: Brown (Face feathers permanently burned off)

Birth Date: February 4, 27 BR

Death Date: November 27, 21 AR (Absorbed by Pompeia Khan)

Birthplace: 133 Via Ferrea, Lapon, Argentolia, Aurean Dominate

Place of Death: Arctic, Caput Tatiium

Burial Place: Meztli Cenote, The Zocalo, New Aztlan


-Santa Muerte (6 BR-death)

-Scourge of Aztlan (1 AR-death)

-Tate's Right-hand Woman (20 BR-21 AR)

-Knight of the Square Table (Awarded posthumously)


-133 Via Ferrea, Lapon, Argentolia, Aurean Dominate (27-24 BR)

-Crispus's Estate, Newgate, Ishga (24-20 BR)

-Sky Palace, Arctic, Caput Tatiium (20-6 BR, 1-21 AR)

-Wilderness, Aztlan (6 BR-1 AR)

-With Weasel and his friends (21 AR-death)


-The Cabal (Until 21 AR)

-Tatian Empire (Until 21 AR)

-Caput Tatiium (Until 21 AR)

-UNISYN (Until 21 AR)

-The Knights of the Square Table (21 AR)

-Galactic Treaty Union (21 AR)


-Yıldırım Khan (Father)

-Marcia Khan (Mother) nee Nuardiana 

-Pompeia Khan (Sister)

-Tate (Abusive father figure)

-Quintus Fabius Crispus (Abusive father figure)

-Tromos (Pet)


-Quintus Fabius Crispus



10 Closest Friends:



-Prince Spjot Ragnarsson



-Knights of the Square Table (Until 21 AR)

-Ishga Empire (Until 21 AR)

-Aztlanian Empire

-Kingdom of Aurea (Until 21 AR)

-Aurean Alliance

-Galactic Treaty Union (Until 21 AR)

-The Cabal (21 AR)

-Tatian Empire (21 AR)