
Omar was born on Awal Kabab 22 years before Book 1. He was born into a family of Camel Nomads, meaning his path in life was already laid out before him: trade. Once he was 14, he became a merchant, working in The Souk. However, after an accident that made it harder for him to use his left leg, he retired from trading as it made it more difficult for him to travel long distances. Since The Souk was a sacred place for the Camel Merchants, Omar decided it was in the best interest of his people for him to keep watch over it while they were not there. Around 7 years later, weird things began to happen on Awal Kabab, signalled by Mr. Nazif's distress call. Soon after, Weasel and his friends arrived, in search of an alien warlord named Tate and a local thief named Ali Baboon. Omar notices that the Camel Merchants are taking too long to answer Mr. Nazif's distress call and that they should go check on the Camel Merchants. Weasel and his friends assist them with the difficulties they encountered during their journeys before bringing them to The Souk. Omar then asks Weasel and his friends to speak with Mr. Nazif to learn what is going on. They learn from Mr. Nazif that the evil Genie Azeeza is back, along with the evil Overlord Xerxes. This leads them into a long quagmire involving battles, thieves, time reversal's and Tate's plan to take over the galaxy. In the end, Azeeza and Overlord Xerxes are defeated, albeit at the cost of Aurean control of the galaxy and Weasel (who was forced into exile for the next 19 years). During these 19 years, Omar got back into trading and formed a friendship with Mr. Nazif and the other Genies (and Deus Ex Machina once he showed up). Due to Awal Kabab being relatively unimportant in the final stage of the war, Omar did not see any action until the very end of the war, when Weasel had a longshot plan to invade Tate's nearly impregnable castle: since the Lamp of Luxury's powers had been absorbed by Weasel's Sword of Caliber, Weasel and his friends would use his sword to transport themselves into the Genie Realm, while leaving the sword in front of Tate's Castle with a note indicating that Weasel is surrendering and the sword is a gift. Tate's troops would take the sword into Tate's Castle, where Weasel and his friends would jump back out of the Genie Realm and already be inside the castle. Omar, Deus Ex Machina, and the Genies came in with Weasel and his friends, helping them take control of the Castle and finally defeat Tate. His fate after the war remains largely unknown.