
Shortly before the war, a young burrower named Alex was born to a wealthy family in Caputus Vigamius. As a young boy, Alex had a natural talent for fighting and was soon trained as a warrior. However, when Alex was a teenager, the Aureans lost the Battle of Awal Kabab and the galaxy with it. Tatian troops soon moved in to occupy the planet, and all on Vigam submitted except the Burrowers, Sugar Gliders, Hoppers, and Rats. To punish the Hoppers and Rats for their insurrection, Tate burned down the Blue Forest where those two tribes lived, turning it into the desolate Blue Desert. Fearing a similar fate, the Burrowers sealed themselves in the fortress of Caputus Vigamius. When Tate's armies could not take the city by force, Tate went to the top of the Lunar Tower and unleashed a horrible curse on the city: all those inside will be turned to crystal and placed into a state of suspended animation. Alex and around a thousand other Burrowers managed to escape the city in time and ran through the Lunar Cliffs to the Vardanian Wood, where they joined up with the Sugar Gliders. After 19 years of carrying out resistance on and off against the Tatian occupation, Weasel and his friends arrive on the planet and free him when he is captured during a mission in Caputus Vigamius. Having stolen crucial war information from the Tatians there, Weasel and his friends travel with Alex through the perilous Lunar Cliffs to the Vardanian Wood. However, they are intercepted by the Broodmother and Alex gets hit with her highly toxic sting, putting him in suspended animation for weeks. By the time Alex wakes up, the Lunar Cliffs are out of Tatian hands and the curse of Caputus Vigamius has been lifted. Later, he fought again with Weasel and his friends when they liberated Fort Rachias from Tatian control. He became King of the Burrowers while Weasel and his friends were on the other side of the Starfall Sea, and was the first to congratulate them when they triumphantly returned to Caputus Vigamius. Years later, Alex was again called upon to defend Vigam against an attempted Tatian reconquest.