Chief Dylan

Chief Dylan was born in the year 9 AX, during the timeskip between the Battle of Awal Kabab and the 2nd Battle of Loch Nimue. When his father died, he was twelve years old and already the Chief of Caput Tatiium's Turkeyquois Tribe. However, having such a young ruler at first proved disastrous for the Turkeyquois, as all their neighboring tribes saw weakness in a young ruler and attacked. However, Chief Dylan had a natural talent for leadership, with the tribe being able to conquer new territory and improve its economy. It even managed to make peace with all its neighbors. However, one year, Dylan grew so overconfident he refused to pay his annual tribute to Tate, and the Tatian Army attacked. The Tatian attack devastated the tribe and bankrupted it, causing its neighbors to attack again in hope of getting a piece of the tribe's lands. Soon, the Tatians built a fort on Turkeyquois lands and the other tribes were encroaching on their territory. After encouraging the Gatinoles and the plains tribes to take back their lands from the Tatians, Weasel and his friends arrive in the forest and come in contact with the Turkeyquois. Weasel and his friends tell Dylan that they are there to get to Tate's Castle In The Sky. To do that, they must reach The Arctic and summon The Great Spirit, the only thing that can get them up there. However, The Great Spirit cannot be summoned until the entire planet is united under one banner. Dylan says that, since the forest tribes are mainly fighting over resources, they should try to make forest resources plentiful. One idea Dylan has is to give water to the parched Chipmunkee Tribe by diverting the nearby Grand River closer to their lands. Once they do this, the Chipmunkee make peace with the Turkeyquois. Dylan then sends them after the Jersey Devil, a beast that has been stealing food and even attacking at times the Mooseachusett Tribe. Once the Jersey Devil is killed, the Mooseachusett make peace with the Turkeyquois. Their next task is to replant trees near the Deeron Tribe, who suffered from deforestation. Once the trees were back, the Deeron made peace with the Turkeyquois. The last tribe, the Possumwhatan, suffered from a famine, so Weasel and his friends showed them how to plant new crops. Once the Possumwhatan made peace with the Turkeyquois, Weasel and his friends united the forest tribes under one banner with the plains tribes and Gatinoles, having Chief Dylan join the procession of Chiefs going with them to The Arctic to summon The Great Spirit. Once the forest tribes were united, Chief Dylan led them in battle to take control of the Tatian fort built on his lands, once this was accomplished, he appointed a steward to rule in his absence before joining the procession to The Arctic. Once the procession had all its members and arrived at the summoning site, Chief Dylan helped perform a ritual that resulted in the summoning of The Great Spirit, the being that took Weasel and his friends up to Tate's Castle In The Sky.