
Shredder was a wild Griffin born on Olympia 18 years before Book 1, on the exact same day as Weasel would be born. Not much is known about his early life, except that he was captured by the pet trade when he was 10. He was taken to the backwater planet of Aurea, where he eventually wound up at an auction. Aurea's king, Weasel, found him suffering in captivity and immediately felt a sort of bond with him. He bought the griffin and took him back to his palace, where he used him as a method of transportation. 2 years later, when Rhys invaded Aurea, Weasel and his friends rode Shredder around Wurkey in pursuit until they wound up back in Astras and defeated Rhys there. A year later, when Ombra and Whelan invaded Aurea and conquered Astras and much of the west of the planet, Weasel and his friends escaped on Shredder. They flew to Wephesus, from which they attempted to fly over the Waegean Sea. However, the enemy had an air blockade over the Waegean that forced them to retreat and find another way across. They eventually found help in Taftenkhamun, an Eaglyptian sailor who lived in a nearby cave. With his help, they sailed across the Waegean to Waecia, where they eventually found and defeated Ombra and Whelan. After this, Shredder continued to live in the stables of Weasel's Palace, and Weasel would continue to use him for errands on Aurea. However, he would use the Pa-Ankh, Taftenkhamun's ship, for off-planet missions. Many months and missions later, the evil warlord Tate managed to take control of the Aurean Government while Weasel was away. Weasel returned a day or so later and confronted Tate, but was quickly overwhelmed and forced to retreat. On his way off the planet, he found Shredder in his old palace and left with him before Tate could fully move into it. Shredder accompanied Weasel to Ryu 97, where Weasel trained for a few years before coming with him to his final exile on Arturia. However, a few years later, Sir Michael Jones, one of the Knights of the Square Table, betrayed Weasel and King Arturius and brought Tate to the planet, beginning the 1st Battle of Loch Nimue. Towards the end of the battle, Shredder is forced to hold off Tate while Weasel is getting his armor, and succeeds in giving Tate a minor wound. Shredder then goes to find Weasel, but finds him and King Arturius dueling Sir Michael Jones. Sir Michael Jones then gets lucky and impales both Weasel and King Arturius with one stab, placing them both in comas. Shredder then kills Sir Michael Jones, but watches helplessly as Tate walks in and places the Horned Crown on Weasel's and King Arturius's heads, fusing them both into a new, evil beast called The Pendragon. The Pendragon's first act upon its creation was to breathe out a gust of orange-and purple fire, incinerating Shredder on contact. Shredder was eventually reincarnated as Kyknos.