Book 02 Plot

It has been a year since the death of Rhys and the retreat of the Arachna from Aurea. While Weasel, Ryan, Garett, Maxwell, Fundisa, and Nate are taking a beach vacation, they watch on the news that Lord Whelan and Lord Ombra, the two evil associates of Inquisitor Rhys, have landed on the planet in the Waecia area. By the time they are able to leave their beach resort in Wyprus, they find that the Ombra Legion (Whelan and Ombra’s army) has already taken over the Aurean capital of Astrás, blocking off any land route west. With the Aurean military incapacitated, they must search for a route west across the Waegean Sea. With all regular ferry service across the Waegean suspended due to the invasion, they are forced to look for a private ship owner. They search the city of Wizmir for someone who can ferry them across the Waegean Sea, and they eventually find Taftenkhamun, an ex-space-pirate who claims to be the 2nd-to-last member of the Eaglyptian race left in existence. He says he has a ship called The Pa-Ankh that can cross the Waegean, but they need to repair it before it can set sail. When they find the Pa-Ankh, they are forced to patch some holes in both the hull and sails before they leave Smyrna into the Waegean. About a day into their trip, they stop on the island of Whios for supplies, but are soon ambushed by a vampire by the name of Hans Von Franz and a gang of werewolves called the Black Fang. During a fight with Hans von Franz, they discover that whenever he bites someone and drinks some of their blood, he becomes stronger. Knowing that the battle must be ended quickly, Nate blinds Hans von Franz with a club swing to the face, allowing everyone to escape, get the supplies, and get back on The Pa-Ankh. While the boat is on a course towards the island of Wuboea, a freak storm hits and threatens to sink the ship. Despite all odds, the Pa-Ankh makes it through the storm, but has been blown so far off-course they soon run aground on another island: Wicaria. Wicaria is home of the savage Wicarian tribe, a group of cannibalistic Sea Robins whose help they need to repair their ship. After their King, Seaoderic, tries to eat Weasel and his friends, a fight ensues in which Seaoderic is defeated and agrees to tell his tribe not to eat them. He also surveys the damage to the Pa-Ankh and agrees to have the Wicarians fix it. Once the Pa-Ankh is operational, they get some supplies from Seaoderic and leave. They aim the ship for the Weloponnesus, but they get caught in the extremely strong East Waecian Current, and get dragged extremely far south to New Knossos. When they arrive, they find the island under the occupation of the Ombra Legion, so they must sneak around the city until they find none other than Lord Ombra himself, with Hans Von Franz at his side. When the fight begins, Hans Von Franz is easily taken out by Maxwell due to his blindness, but they soon struggle to deal with Lord Ombra’s aerial advantage. However, they soon find out that Lord Ombra can ONLY fight in the air, so they lay low to the ground during the fight, causing Lord Ombra to exhaust himself doing all the aerial maneuvers he needs to reach them. Soon, Lord Ombra no longer has the energy to get off the ground, and Ryan shoots and kills him with his tanegashima. The group then gets back into the Pa-Ankh and sails for Waecia.