King Ragnar Lothbrok

King Ragnar Lothbrok was born on Ryu 108 42 years before Rhys invaded Aurea. As a young boy, he developed a knack for weapons, and became so skilled with his sword and shield that he went hunting for the royal family. The royal family, who could not have children, were so fond of Ragnar that they eventually took him in as their own son. However, both parents soon contracted tuberculosis and died, leaving Ragnar as the heir to the throne. As king, Ragnar did many great things, such as improving the economy and instituting single-payer healthcare at the urging of his advisor, Bearnie Sandears. He also narrowly avoided being drawn into a war with Ryu 97 when the emperor of that planet "accidentally" destroyed a Ryu 108 trading convoy. Some time after this, he had a son named Lane. However, Lane was kidnapped by The Cabal at two years old and forced to fight for evil. Eventually, Bearnie Sandears died of old age and he had to be replaced by Bearrock Oebamer. Not long after this, the evil Tate and his armies land on Yggdrasil beach and handily defeat the Ryuan Army before marching on Bjornholm. Ragnar tries to fight off some of the invaders himself, but is captured and taken deep into the Ulvskog. He is eventually freed by Weasel and his friends and taken back to rule the newly liberated Bjornholm. Once Weasel and his friends defeat Tate in Asgard, they leave, but not before Tate formally declares war on Aurea. Soon after this, Weasel returns to Ryu 108 and asks for Ragnar's help in the war, to which Ragnar agrees. However, Tate eventually pulled off a coup while Weasel and his friends were on Awal Kabab, allowing Tate to take control of the army and send Weasel off into exile. After just a few short days, the Tatian army shows up on Yggdrasil beach and defeats the Ryuan Army, putting the planet under Tatian occupation. Powerless in the face of a Tatian occupation, Ragnar gathered those most loyal to him and founded a resistance group called Bear Lives Matter. This group would make life as difficult as possible for the Tatian troops on Ryu 108, as well as communicate with the Aurean Alliance for news on the war. Eventually, Ragnar learned that Weasel was in exile on Arturia, and sent Bear Lives Matter there to defend him from a possible Tatian attack. This was not enough, however, and Bear Lives Matter came back defeated, having lost nearly half its members. 10 years later, Ashley and Delaney, two Bear Lives Matter memers who stayed behind on Arturia, returned to Ryu 108 and told Ragnar that Weasel had been freed from his Pendragon state. By this time, Ryu 108 had already been liberated by the Aurean Alliance and was back in the game. Nearly a year later, Tate attempted to invade Ryu 97 and Ragnar sent in his best troops to help defend the planet, which was a success. A few months after that, Weasel and his friends defeated Tate on Caput Tatiium, ending the war. Soon the war, however, Ragnar Lothbrok died of stomach cancer. Ragnar's long-lost son, Lane, who had repented shortly before Tate's downfall, became king in his place.