Emperor Shrikar

Emperor Shrikar was born on Rahasy 10 years before Book 1. The heir to the throne of the Mongoose Empire, he was brought up in an elitist environment, and it is even rumored that he may have been exposed to Shadow Magic as a child, though this cannot be confirmed. When he was 15, his parents were killed in what was described to others as a "freak elephant riding accident" (everyone knows Shrikar murdered them in their sleep to take the throne, though). As Emperor, Shrikar passed a number of bizarre laws, such as a law requiring all "real men" to beat their wives at 9AM on Saturday mornings and another law requiring anyone who disagrees with his policies to have their hands chopped off. His empire greatly expanded under his rule, subjugating tons of Panthidian tribes and ensuring a continuous supply of hands to satisfy his bizarre hand fetish. He also successfully repelled a Tatian invasion, during which he famously had the hands cut off from all of the captured soldiers and shipped directly to his palace. Some time later, he was reading a book on the history of The Moodha, and came to the conclusion that The Moodha's sister Priyanka was still alive (though in statue form in a temple on Ryu 97) and that he wanted her as a slave to replace another whose hands he cut off. Once he had the statue brought into his palace, he tricked two new arrivals to Rahasy, Weasel and Taftenkhamun, to find the incantation to revive her. Once she was revived, Shrikar threw Weasel and Taftenkhamun into the dungeons under the palace and made her his slave. However, that night, Priyanka broke into his room and attempted to kill him. He almost succeeded in cutting her hands off, but Shrikar cornered her in the dungeons with Weasel and Taftenkhamun and locked her in. After that, however, Shrikar had to prepare his army for battle, since the Sepoy Army that was tasked with protecting Weasel and his friends was about to attack the city. During the battle, the Mongoose Army fought valiantly, but one wing of the Sepoy Army entered his palace and freed Weasel, Taftenkhamun, and Priyanka, the last of whom killed Shrikar.