Ryu 97

Planet that shares a star system with Ryu 108. Based on Feudal Japan as well as containing some elements of other East Asian cultures. Appears in Books 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7.


-Samoorai: Heavy infantry, composed entirely of the elite Samoorai and Ronin classes. Armed with katanas, samoorai armor, and some tanegashima.

-Ashigaru: Standard infantry, composed of people from the lower classes. Armed with bows/arrows, naginatas, tanegashima, Dao, Nests of Bees, and some katanas.


-Ninja Pigs: Pigs armed with Ninjato, Black Eggs, Shurikens, Blowguns, and Snares. Highly trained in Ninjitsu.

-Shaolin Monkeys: Monks from the temple of Shao Lin in the western mountains. Highly trained in their own art of kung fu and armed with bowstaffs.

-Naresuan's Elephants: Ashigaru who ride on top of elephants and attack with naginata from up there.

-Ballista Elephants: Ashigaru who ride on top of elephants and attack with a saddle-mounted recurve ballista from there.

-Tengols: Nomads from the plains. Armed with Recurve Bows, Ilds, Tengol Sabers, Jida Lances, Tengol Glaives, and Flanged Maces. Always ride on horses.

-Viet Koi: Guerilla fighters from the jungles in Nha Dun. Armed with Glaives, Dao, and bows and arrows. Can sometimes be found on Naresuan's Elephants or Ballista Elephants. Famed for their usage of Mechanical Landmines as well as Punji Stakes.

Panduans: Militias from Panda Villages in the mountains. Armed with bows, Dao, and war hammers.

Peacocks: Militias from Peacock Villages in the mountains. Armed with bows, Dao, and throwing knives.


-Katana: Standard Japanese-style sword. Most effective as a cutting weapon.

-Naginata: A long wooden shaft with a steel spike on the end. Used as a medium-range and dismounting weapon.

-Tanegashima: Very primitive muskets.

-Punji Stakes: Stakes of sharpened bamboo meant to kill via impalement. Usually placed at the bottom of pits dug in the ground covered with leaves. Stakes may be doused in snake venom for added effect. Can also be attached to a ball, hidden in a tree, and swung down on an enemy's neck via a slipknot and tripwire.

-Samoorai Armor: Composed of steel arranged in a lamellar pattern along with leather and wood.

-Recurve Bow: Based on the Mongol recurve bow and the Japanese yumi, this is the most effective non-gunpowder ranged weapon in the


-Chu-Ko-Nu: Repeating crossbow. Has less range and accuracy than the Arturian Crossbow, but fires at double the rate.

-Mechanical Landmine: Network of underground pots filled with gunpowder, explodes when somebody steps on the ground above it.

-Crouching Tiger Cannon: Small cannon propped up at the muzzle and pinned to the ground to eliminate recoil. Higher fire rate than other cannons, but used smaller cannonballs.

-Dao: Broadsword/saber hybrid made for the purpose of severing limbs (and also heads).

-Nest of Bees: Gunpowder-based light artillery. Hexagonal tube filled with arrows that shoots them at the enemy when ignited. Small enough to be handheld.

-Ninjato: Smaller version of the katana adapted for ninja-style combat.

-Black Eggs: Hollowed-out chicken eggshells filled with glass powder or ghost pepper juice and painted black. Meant to be thrown at an enemy's eyes to blind them.

-Shurikens: Trademark ninja stars.

-Blowgun: A gun made of a bamboo tube that you blow into to fire. Shoots either poison darts or tranquilizer darts.

-Snare: Shoots a net that entangles the enemy, allowing them to be taken into custody. Often used in conjunction with a tranquiliser dart from a blowgun.

-Bowstaff: Long wooden pole that augments the martial arts abilities of the Shaolin Monkeys.

-Hwach'a: Similar to the nest of bees, but much larger and requires wheels to move. Also, the arrows are on fire when launched.

-Recurve Ballista: Basically a giant-non-portable recurve bow attached to the top of a ballista elephant's saddle. Giant arrows fired from it may or may not be on fire.

-Ild: Straight sword with a curved tip used by the Tengol nomads. Similar in many ways to the Dao.

-Jida Lance: Long wooden shaft with an iron tip nearly a foot long.

-Tengol Glaive: A naginata elongated for better use on horseback.

-Tengol Saber: Long, curved sword best used on horseback.

-Flanged Mace: Iron club capable of crushing skulls.

Land Vehicles:


-Ryuan Tanks: Based on firebending tanks from Avatar: The Last Airbender


Space Vehicles:

-Turtle Cruiser: Based on the Korean turtle ship, but modified by the Ishgas to be suitable for space.

Air Vehicles:

-Ryuan Dragon (Critically endangered)

Sea Vehicles:

-Imperial Navy Ship: Based on Fire Nation ships from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Armed with cannons.

-Turtle Ship: Turtle Cruiser, but made for sea travel. Armed with cannons. Can shoot Olympian Fire from the mouth.

-Atakebune: Large warships armed with cannons. Lack sails, but have better amenities for crew than the junk.

-Junk: Large warships armed with cannons. Have good sails, but lack amenities for the crew.

-Sekibune: Smaller but faster version of the Atakebune.

National Animal:

Ryuan Dragon

Geography: The planet is mostly a vast ocean with two continents. The northern one, Xifeng, is where most of the people live and is where most of the major cities are located. It is almost entirely composed of temperate deciduous forest with some mountains in the south and west, along with vast plains and desert in the far north. The southern one, Nha Dun, is very hilly and mountainous and almost entirely covered in tropical rainforest and mangrove marshes. Nha Dun is mostly rural with some scattered rice farming villages.

Ethnic Groups:











