Yu Dao

Yu Dao was born on Ryu 97 between books 9 and 10. His parents were the yellow dragon Chixu and the purple dragon Jieshu. Until Yu Dao was born, Chixu and Jieshu were the last dragons remaining on Ryu 97, having been driven deep into the mountains by the hunters that wiped out the rest of their species. When Yu Dao was around five years old, the evil warlord Tate began coordinating with the Oni Demons to take over the planet. Some of Weasel's friends arrived on the planet to investigate, and their third expedition sent them into the mountains, through the city of Bhaasa, and up Dragon Mountain. On their way up the mountain, their Sherpa was suddenly attacked by lightning breath from Chixu, who mistook Weasel's friends for hunters. Jieshu and Chixu were eventually defeated by Nate, who they deemed worthy of their powers. It is from these two dragons that Nate learns lightning redirection, a skill that can only be learned by observing a Ryuan dragon. Yu Dao immediately took a liking to Nate, who decided to keep him as a pet. From this point onward, Yu Dao would accompany Nate as a mount almost everywhere, including into battle. He got along well with fellow pets Steve, Varu and Kyknos (though he did not get along well with Voltaire at all). Almost immediately after Nate acquired him, Yu Dao hit his growth spurt, doubling in size by the time Weasel and his friends were attacking Caput Tatiium. By this time, he was large enough to seat Weasel and nearly all of his friends (he could only fit two people on his back before). He would lead the way on Caput Tatiium while Taftenkhamun followed him on Varu with supplies. During the final assault on Tate's Castle, Weasel and his friends tried using Yu Dao to fly up there, but Tate had installed crosswind generators that simply blew him away whenever he tried to fly in the area. As a result, Yu Dao was left behind at Ryu 108's colony on Caput Tatiium. After the war, Yu Dao continued to be Nate's steed until Nate died. Yu Dao outlived Nate due to the fact that dragons have 300-year lifespans. He is now in the care of Nate's son Xochitl.