Chief Witko

Chief Witko was born on Caput Tatiium sometime during the year between Ombra and Whelan's Invasion of Aurea and Tate's Attack on Planet Squid. Originally an orphan from the Ryuan Colony in the Arctic, Chief Witko somehow managed to get all the way south to the Great Plains by the time he was five years old. He was adopted by the chief of the Bisoux Tribe, since the chief's wife could not have children. However, a tragic accident resulted in Witko being accidentally dropped in a ravine and hitting his head. He survived, but with total amnesia. A local shaman said he could cure the child of his amnesia if the chief paid the right price. The chief paid a large sum of money and the shaman used Shadow Death to cure Chief Witko. However, being exposed to Shadow Magic that potent at such a young age rewrote his personality, turning him into a sociopath. He decided he wanted to rule his tribe right then instead of when his father died, so he assassinated his parents in their sleep and took the title of Chief for himself. The idea of an eight-year-old boy ruling one of his most important tribes began to scare Tate, so he went to Bisoux Territory to investigate. He was proven wrong, as Witko proved a capable, but somewhat cruel leader. Tate then made Witko one of his warlords after promising to him that he could help Tate rule the galaxy one day. After training with Tate for a few years and mastering all of Shadow Magic besides Shadow Death, Witko was tasked by Tate with defending the critical base of Vigam. Shortly after, Tate learned the hard way that Weasel was back from his 19-year exile and had conquered a significant portion of Vigam. Weasel would end up fighting Chief Witko on Vigam and beating him, but Witko managed to escape. After the events on Vigam, Witko returned to leading the Bisoux for a while before being tasked with supervising the construction of Tate's Shadow Weapons. Once these were complete, Witko was chosen as the supervisor of Tate's largest and most powerful Shadow Weapon, the T-Ray. Witko used the T-Ray to destroy one of the entrances to Olympus on Olympia, as well as to destroy the base on Atlantea after the Squidian Brigade attacked it. After this, Witko would remain on Caput Tatiium as the chief of the Bisoux Tribe until Weasel and his friends killed him while liberating the tribe.