

Michael in battle gear

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Gender Identity: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Pronouns: He/him

Languages Spoken:

-Galactic Basic (Native language)

-Arturian (Fluent)

-Aurean (Conversational)

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Skin Tone: Pale

Birth Date: March 3, 17 BR (Current age is 73, is 38 at the end of the series)

Death Date: Still alive at the beginning of Insane Zane

Birthplace: Wadsworth Hospital, Ishga

Place of Death: n/a

Burial Place: n/a


-Prince of Ishga (17-2 BR)

-Knight of the Square Table (12 BR-death)

-King of Ishga (2 BR-present)

-Lord of the Falling Skies (1 AR-present)

-Honorary Iotannar (1 AR-present)

-Tetrarch of the Galactic Treaty Union (21 AR-present)


-Hounslow Palace, Ishga (17-12 BR, 2 BR-present)

-Castle Arturia, Caerbannog, Arturia (12-2 BR)


-Ishga Empire

-Knights of the Square Table

-Kingdom of Arturia

-Galactic Treaty Union


-Unnamed Commoner (Biological Father)

-Queen Brianna of Cotton (Mother)

-Daniel of Cotton (Maternal Uncle)

-Adam of Cotton (Maternal Uncle)

-Abby of Farnsworth (Maternal aunt-in-law)

-Neil of Cotton (Maternal grandfather)

-Catherine of Crosby (Maternal grandmother)

-Queen Ashley of Ferguson (Ancestor)

-King Edward II (Ancestor)

-King Stephen I (Distant ancestor)

-Gunmonga (Distant ancestor)

-King Robert VI of Todd (Stepfather)

-King Robert VII of Todd (Half-brother)

-Lexi of Todd (Half-niece)

-Alyx of Cotton (Maternal first cousin)

-Lord Jimenez (Maternal first cousin-in-law)

-Prince Jack of Cotton (Maternal first cousin once removed)

-Cole (Distant maternal cousin-in-law)

-Queen Lizzy I (Wife)

-Prince Robert VIII (Son)



-King Arturius

10 Closest Friends:












-Prince Robert VIII


-Most of House Todd

-The Cabal

-Tatian Empire


-Mongoose Empire


Michael was born on Ishga 17 years before Book 1. He was born as the heir of the Ishga royal family, a family that had been practicing inbreeding for millennia to "preserve the royal bloodline" as they called it. As a result, everyone in his family had at least some birth defects. His mother's eyes looked in opposite directions and she had a clubbed foot and cleft lip; his father had a cleft lip, six fingers on his left hand and a very asymmetrical face; and his brother was a deranged psychopath with a cleft lip. Michael had been lucky enough to only be born with his parents' cleft lip, but that was corrected via surgery soon after birth (though he would still have a scar there for life). When Michael was five years old, his evil brother murdered the entire family (except for Michael, who was not home at the time) in order to become king of Ishga himself. As a result, Michael hitched a ride on a spaceship to Arturia, where he was taken in by the Knights of the Square Table and trained as one of their own. He would make friends with many of the knights, but none was a better friend than Weasel, a rising star who started out as a lowly thief in the wilds of Arturia. Once he was done with his training, he returned to Ishga, where he used his new battle skills to defeat his brother and lock him away in a maximum security prison, restoring his rightful place as Ishga's king. During his time, he directed numerous scientific projects, with various success (Project BOB was a failure that would later prove catastrophic, but Project TURDIS was mostly a success). Soon after the completion of Project TURDIS, however, Ali Baboon broke into his lab and stole one of the prototypes, taking it to Awal Kabab with him. As a result, Michael had to call in his old friend Weasel to go to Awal Kabab to investigate. Weasel and his friends, however, walked right into a trap set by the evil Tate that resulted in Tate gaining control of Aurea (and the entire galaxy) and Weasel going into exile. Tate's forces ignored Ishga, for they saw it as an unimportant tech buff with no military strength to speak of. However, 2 years later, Weasel's friend Ryan showed up on Ishga with many of Weasel's old friends and asked Michael to start a rebellion against Tate called the Aurean Alliance. Michael agreed to this, and began to use the planet's many factories to build a military. Once Tate became aware of this, he prepared a huge invasion force to take over the planet and shut this down before it could get started. First, Tate's army reconquered the neighboring Planet Squid, cutting off Ishga from the other alliance members. Tate sent wave after wave after wave of Tate Fighters into Ishga's skies, with the aim of overwhelming, crippling or destroying the Aurean Space Force. At first, it seemed to be going well for the Tatians, with a new spacecraft factory or airfield being destroyed almost each day. For a time, 1 out of every 4 Ishga pilots was killed in combat. However, for every factory or airfield was destroyed, 2 more were built, and for every Aurean Fighter shot down, 2 more would be made. Soon, the Tatian Fighters were overwhelmed, forcing Tate to switch tactics. Thousands of Tatian Bombers, accompanied by small squadrons of Tatian Fighters, were now being sent into Ishga skies, with the objective of annihilating so much of the civilian population that Michael would be forced to surrender. Though almost an eighth of the entire Ishga population as well as most of the planet's infrastructure was destroyed by the bombing, the Aurean Space Force prevailed and eventually forced the enemy spacecraft to retreat. Since the Ishgas were still producing Fighters, Tate decided to switch tactics to carpet-bombing the Ishgas' industrial areas, which helped slow the production of their spacecraft, but not by enough to help the Tatians get anything done. By that time, the Aurean Space Force was already launching retaliatory raids on Tatian airfields on Planet Squid. Since it was clear that nothing was going to work, Tate ordered his invasion force to retreat and focus on not allowing any more planets to join the Aurean Alliance. Once the invasion force was gone, Aurean forces easily reconquered Planet Squid and used it as a base to raid Tatian-controlled planets nearby. Another year was spent rebuilding from the damage Tate caused to Ishga. After this period, the Aurean Alliance slowly conquered Tatian planets one by one, bringing them into the alliance. Once they reached the doorstep of Vigam (the last base between the alliance and Aurea itself), Tate sent a massive invasion force to finally subdue the rebellion. However, it did not work out that way, as Weasel was brought back from Arturia by his friends and control of Vigam and Aurea were lost the following month. While Weasel and his friends were on Vigam they recovered the blueprints for the Shadow Weapons, maniacal weapons that Tate was planning on building to capture The Gods. They had sent these blueprints to Michael, for the purpose of having Ishga factories build the weapons for Aurean use against the Tatians. However, after a wild goose chase on Ishga involving Ali Baboon and the failed Project BOB, the blueprints were stolen from the Aurean Government's database by The Hacktivist, allowing Tate to rapidly build them and employ them on Olympia to disastrous effect. Once Tate had control of The Gods, Weasel and his friends risked everything on a mission to Atlantea that recovered the Atlantean Tomes at the cost of their entire Squidian Brigade. After this, Michael sent a group of Ishgas to Rahasy to train sepoys to assist Weasel and Taftenkhamun on their quest to find Akhet-Ra's ghost. Since the focus of the war was shifting away from Ishga and Aurea and towards Tate's core planets, Michael's involvement in the war declined to the point where his only task was taking care of Bob The Blob. He then married a woman named Lizzy (who was intentionally NOT another family member), and they had a son named Robert. Michael's last war-related action was to go to Caput Tatiium (renamed Paxica) and give a speech at the war's end.