Battle of Hakata Bay


After the events of Atlantea, Tate's next, but desperate move was an attempt to open a northern front by attacking the planet of Ryu 97. While Weasel is on Eaglypt searching for the Eye of Horus, Weasel's friends have received reports from Ryu 97 that Ninjas are running amok across the planet, opening portals to the Spirit Realm. When Weasel's friends go to investigate, they find that the Oni Demons, who are now working with Tate, are using the Ninjas to open Spirit Realm portals to use to access the shielded planet. Once Weasel's friends close all the spirit portals, they get the support of Emperor Aaron of Ryu 97 and build up a huge army to defend the planet. Soon after, a gigantic armada of Tatian ships comes out of the Spirit Realm, as well as the Oni Demons. Tate's force first landed on Tsunami Island, where a cavalry force had been stationed to delay them. As predicted, the cavalry force was annihilated and the island was put under Tatian control. Next, the Tatians invaded Shiki Island, where they easily defeated a larger cavalry force headed by Selinna Tran. After a vote, Maxwell was picked to lead the Ryuan Armies in battle.


The next evening, the Tatians made landfall on the mainland, attacking Hakata Beach. However, Tate, knowing that reinforcements would arrive and could overwhelm him, made the fateful decision to re-embark his men onto the ships for the night so his forces couldn't be marooned on Ryuan soil. By the next morning, there were only a few ships left on the shore as a powerful typhoon struck and those ships that were not on the coast were all destroyed. Tate himself managed to survive and protect the would-be-drowned troops with Shadow Magic, and they attacked the next day. The Ryuans were taken completely by surprise and they began to recede fast. The Tatians eventually got past the beach fortifications and began attacking the village of Ryukyu, a suburb of the capital. After suffering initial heavy losses, Maxwell rallied his troops and told them the first thing they needed to do was panic the Onis. Once the Ryuans succeeded in panicking the Onis and driving them from the field, the Onis accidentally trampled some Tatian troops during the escape, killing many. With the Onis gone, Tate decided to retreat to his camp for the night. The next morning, reinforcements from inland began arriving. Maxwell ingeniously instructed them to arrive in many small waves to make it seem to the enemy like there were more reinforcements than there really were, lowering their morale. Taking advantage of the lack of Onis, Maxwell ordered a general attack on the Tatian lines. However, this was repulsed and the Ryuans were dealt plenty of casualties. Maxwell then decided to use a new strategy and disguised his horses and kirins as strange monsters. This freaked out the Tatians' horses, causing them to attempt to flee. This cavalry disorganization exposed the Tatians' left-center infantry, which immediately came under heavy attack by the Ryuans. However, a breakthrough could not be made and both sides returned to their camps for the night. The next day, Maxwell ordered a surprise attack by his left center on the Tatians' right center, followed by a general attack of the Ryuan Army. The Tatians' left wing and left center were pushed back, allowing the Ryuans to break through the Tatians' center and send them fleeing to their boats.


See Battle of the Spirit Realm.