Fuchang Cherry

The Fuchang Cherry is the oldest tree on Ryu 97 (although far from the largest). Like the rest of the Scions of Heaven, it was brought into the Physical Realm almost 35,000 years before Book 1 by Brahma, who took it as a cutting from a cherry tree in Heaven's Arcane Garden. Planted outside the Imperial Palace on Ryu 97, the Fuchang Cherry is on the seal of Ryu 97's royal family. While the Nether Realm portal that used to be in its roots no longer exists, the Fuchang Cherry still has magical properties, and its cherries are rumored to give immortality to all who eat them. This has been debunked, however, as it has only ever been documented as adding a few decades onto the lives of those who consume the fruit (the oldest known Fuchang Cherry eater died at the ripe old age of 165). Nevertheless, a black market industry has emerged around illegally trafficking the cherries, with individual fruits fetching prices in the tens of millions of credits on the black market. As a result, Ryu 97's Government has cracked down on those caught stealing the cherries in recent years.