Sir Carson Cook

Carson was born on Arturia shortly before Tate's invasion of Planet Squid. As a young child, Carson took an interest in fighting. He especially admired the Knights of the Square Table, and eventually became the leader of their fan club by the time he was twelve. He was a talented warrior who studied the tactics and weapons of the actual knights, and was soon found by King Arturius during his mid teens and inducted into the Knights of the Square Table. However, he was the last knight to join the order, as Weasel and King Arturius were transformed into The Pendragon by Sir Michael Jones, and the Knights of the Square Table were forced into hiding in Camp Caliburn. Carson became the co-leader of the Knights of the Square Table along with Sir Terry Gilliam. He helped lead the knights in guerilla warfare against the Pendragon and his froudlings, but was met with limited success. One fateful day, he went to test his mettle against a dragon named Caoranach the Fire-Spitter, and it did not end well, with Carson being bitten and forced to retreat. The venom from the bite threatened to kill him, but Weasel's friends landed on the planet just in time and healed him. In gratitude, Carson showed them the way to Sir Terry Gilliam, the one who summoned them to the planet after a strange event involving Weasel's sword. After a wild goose chase around Arturia, Weasel's friends end up finding the ex-queen of Arturia, Gwynivyr, who rallies the Knights of the Square Table to the Battle of Castle Arturia. Carson fights bravely during the battle, but is blinded in one eye by a Tatian soldier. During the battle, The Pendragon is slain by Nate and the evil creature separates back into Weasel and King Arturius. After Weasel and his friends leave for Vigam, Carson helps King Arturius destroy the last froudling holdouts on the planet and gain final victory for the knights. Carson remained largely inactive for a while after this, helping King Arturius restore his realm to its former glory. However, he did go to Ryu 97 when Tate threatened that planet and fought bravely in the Battle of Hakata Bay and the Battle of the Spirit Realm. He then went with Weasel and his friends to Caput Tatiium, where he killed Spencer of Norman. He was very nearly killed during the battle against Tate, but Nate saved his life by stepping in the way of Tate's Astral Lightning and redirecting it (though the redirection caused permanent damage to Nate's heart that would be responsible for his death decades later). After the war, Sir Carson Cook returned to Arturia, where he became King Arturius's loyal advisor. He later had a son named Tadhg. He remains on Arturia to this day (though he is old).