3rd Battle of Bjørnholm


Ryu 108 has been under brutal Tatian occupation for 3 years. Large portions of the population have been enslaved and forced to work in the coal mines, which export thousands of tons of coal every month to feed Tate's gigantic war machine. King Ragnar Lothbrok has hidden out deep in the Ulvskog with the rest of the former government, which was recently driven out of its base at Andrew's Holt by Tatians. This government has assembled a band of local warriors and called this band Bear Lives Matter. Bear Lives Matter has acted as a resistance movement against the occupying Tatians, doing things such as destroying coal shipments, taking out Tatian soldiers who wander into the Ulvskog alone, and wreaking general havoc on their supply lines that frequently move through the area. The city of Bjørnholm by this time had been almost completely rebuilt, but the buildings were made out of thatch and wood again because the Tatians would not allow the population to use anything else. Meanwhile, Ryan, Weasel's former advisor, has recently liberated nearby Ryu 97 from Tatian rule and plans on forming a group of planets called the Aurean Alliance, aimed at restoring Aurean rule to the Galaxy. The Tatians have not taken this sitting down, however. Reinforcements from the west are currently en route to Ryu 108, which they plan on using as a forward base to reconquer Ryu 97. Ryan's plan is to land on Ryu 108 with the ragtag team of volunteers and abandoned Aurean vehicles, liberate Ryu 108, and defend that more defensible planet against the reinforcements instead of Ryu 97. In preparation for this attack, Ryan's army on Ryu 97 stole a Tatian cruiser they found in a base in the jungles of Nha Dun. They quickly blast off for Ryu 108, arriving in the planet's atmosphere within minutes. Just in case of an attack, Tatian Field Marshal Hiawatha, who was in charge of Bjørnholm's garrison, assembled around 3,000 local conscripts to assist the defense of the city. He also prepared the Fighters and Walkers as well.


In order to make a landing on the planet, Ryan's army needed air superiority. They had some Aurean planes from the war, but nothing else. As a result, they were going to have to use their cruiser to their advantage. When the cruiser approached the city of Bjørnholm, it was immediately swarmed by Tatian Fighters (their bombers were currently suppressing a revolt on Planet Squid). Ryan's fighters were immediately released from the cruiser's hangar. Since Ryan's force was composed almost entirely of veterans from the war, these pilots proved a tougher nut for the Tatians to crack than the Ryuan conscripts they wiped out 3 years earlier. Combined with sustained turbolaser fire from the captured cruiser, the Aurean fighters soon sent their Tatian counterparts flying back to their base in Andrew's Holt. Now that they had free reign over Bjørnholm's skies, Ryan sent out his bombers. However, these bombers did not terror-bomb the city the way the Tatians had done when they invaded. Instead, they simply destroyed the wall surrounding the city so Ryan could land his tanks and ground troops. Waiting for them on the beach were Bjørnholm's 15,000-man garrison, 3,000 local conscripts, 10 Heavy Walkers, and 30 Light Walkers. Since Ryan's army controlled the skies, they were able to easily best Field Marshal Hiawatha's ground troops even with inferior numbers. Some members of Bear Lives Matter heard the battle going on and flanked the Tatians from the woods, ending their chances of winning and forcing them to retreat to Andrew's Holt.


See Battle of Andrew's Holt