
Cole was born on Planet Squid 26 years before Rhys Invaded Aurea. He was next in line to be King of the Hyenas, and was granted the privilege when his father died when Cole was 17. Cole used the obelisks on Planet Squid to master Astral Magic, and used it to successfully defend the Elephant Graveyard from Jermie's rampage. Years later, Tate invaded the planet after liberating Jermie from his jungle prison. He rapidly crushed the armies of the Hyenas and took over the Elephant Graveyard, but Weasel and his friends soon arrived and teamed up with Cole, who helped them dislodge the Tatians from the area. Having always wanted to travel the galaxy, Cole agreed to join their group and left Prince Zah Zoo on the Hyena throne in his absence. He journeyed with them around the planet until they reached Mirror Lake, where Cole briefly held his own against Jermie before being easily and quickly defeated by Julius. After Mirror Lake, Cole came with Weasel and his friends to Aztlan, where they tried and failed to stop Tate from stealing the souls of the Lords of Xibalba and destroying the planet. After this, he goes with Weasel and his friends to Ryu 108, where he helps free the planet from Tate's control and helps stop Tate's plan to destroy the galaxy with Jörmungandr. Cole then went with Weasel and his friends to Awal Kabab, where Tate deceived them and took over the Aurean Government, forcing Weasel into exile. Immediately after this, Cole returned to Planet Squid, where he reclaimed the throne from Zah Zoo. While Tate originally ignored Planet Squid and did nothing when it joined the Aurean Alliance, the planet eventually fell when the Tatians decided they wanted it as a base to attack Ishga from. In order to evade capture, Cole went into hiding, going to Awal Kabab undercover as a merchant. After a month or so, his identity was discovered by an Ishga soldier. The soldier brought Cole back with him to Ishga, where he was inducted into the Aurean Alliance, a group led by Ryan dedicated to freeing the galaxy from Tatian rule. Cole was eventually on the planet of Melzac, with the task of leading a task force to sabotage a Tatian base. Halfway through his mission, however, he was interrupted by Morgan, who was getting a group of Weasel's old friends together after receiving a message from Arturia indicating Weasel may be alive there. After a long chain events on that planet, Weasel was revived along with King Arturius. Cole then came with Weasel and his friends to liberate the planet of Vigam and then Aurea itself. He then went with another group of Weasel's friends to Ishga in order to protect Shadow Weapons blueprints that he stole earlier on Vigam. However, they fail when The Hacktivist hacks their database and obtains the blueprints. Cole accompanies Weasel and his friends to Olympia, where they try and fail to save The Gods from Tate's Shadow Weapons. Afterwards, Cole, a member of the Squidian Brigade, was set to go on a mission to Atlantea that cost the lives of everyone in the brigade, but was sick on the day of the attack and stayed on the Aurean Flagship during the attack. After grieving for the loss of his friends Reshon, Noah, and Lord Jimenez, Cole went with Weasel's friends to defend the planet of Ryu 97 from Tate. However, during the Battle of Hakata Bay, Cole was smacked across the battlefield by an Oni Demon's blade and ended up with a massive leg injury that would leave him crippled for the next year. Cole went with Weasel and his friends to Caput Tatiium, where he was unable to be very useful during the first part of the mission due to his injury, but was fully healed by the time they reached The Arctic. He helped fight Tate and his warlords, killing Lord Ombra and Lord Whelan. After the war, Cole moved to Ishga, where he blended into the civilian population. However, due to the emotional effects of the war, Cole developed PTSD and committed suicide at age 67.