King Cullen of Hensley

King Cullen of Hensley was born on Aztlan 16 years before Book 1. He was the eldest son and hair of Aztlan's King, Josh of Pearce. He fought alongside his father during Santa Muerte's invasion of Tenochtitlan, but they failed to stop the city from succumbing to her forces. After Santa Muerte and her army was driven out of The Zocalo (the new city that was built on the ruins), signs began to appear of Aztlan's imminent demise. These signs continued for a few years, until the planet was invaded by Tate and his army. Tate and his army reawakened the zombies of The Cenote, who dragged King Josh of Pearce down into The Cenote and killed him. Weasel and his friends arrived soon after that, trying to follow and defeat Tate. During their first excursion into The Cenote, they discovered that King Josh of Pearce really was dead, which meant Cullen became king. After this, Weasel and his friends went on a manhunt for Tate all over Aztlan, but failed to stop him from brainwashing the Horn of Huitzilopochtli and bringing Xibalba down on Aztlan. When Xibalba struck the planet, Cullen, along with almost everyone else on the planet, was killed.