
Voltaire is a Shock Shark that was born on Atlantea more than 15,000 years ago, during the time of the Atlantean Civilization. Sometime during his early adulthood, he was caught by Atlantean fishermen for a big project they were working on: The Trial Of The Sharks. This was an area where the Atlantean Tomes were kept in order to safeguard them from anyone who wanted to misuse them. Those trying to reach the tomes would have to pass a series of tests involving sharks, but Voltaire was too friendly to be suited to this task. As a result, he was made one of the random prizes one would get upon beating one of the area's three levels. As such, he magically put into a deep sleep and locked in the prize safe for millennia. When he was awoken thousands of years later, Atlantea was underwater and the Atlantean Civilization had been gone for 15,000 years. Ryan, one of Weasel's friends, had beaten the first level of the Trial Of The Sharks, and Voltaire was his randomly-assigned prize. Once Voltaire was Ryan's pet, Weasel and his friends had a hard time finding something to do with him, so they took him to Ishgabangaloodoo after the events on Atlantea. Ishga medical scientists operated on him, installing implants to allow him to breathe both air and water. Weasel then used Shadow Magic to give Voltaire the power to swim through the air (albeit he could not go more than 3 feet off the ground). Voltaire became Ryan's loyal pet and steed, constantly accompanying him into battle, especially on Olympia before Yu Dao and Varu were acquired. Though he did not get along with Yu Dao and Varu because he thought they were taking away his owners' attention from him, he did react relatively positively to Kyknos and Steve. Ryan would still interact with Voltaire from time-to-time, whether it meant having a pond on the Pa-Ankh specially built for him or riding him into battle. After the war, Voltaire died of old age around the same time Ryan passed away.