Book 06 Plot

Later, when they are on the ship, Cole hears something hit the side of the ship. He goes out in his spacesuit to investigate and finds a winged snake holding a scroll. He gets the scroll from the winged snake and takes the winged snake with him into the ship for study. When he shows it to everyone, Nate and Shelby say it is a Quetzal from the planet of Aztlan. Shelby then reads the scroll and finds that her friend, Kira, and by extension the planet of Aztlan, was just attacked by Tate and Santa Muerte. Weasel then tells Taftenkhamun to reset the ship’s course for Aztlan. When they reach the planet’s atmosphere, they see a gigantic, blue asteroid frozen directly above the planet, making Weasel nervous. When they land, they end up deep in a jungle area. They ask the first person they see, a parrot named Daniel Rainbowmask, what is going on. He says that his two associates, Kira (the one Shelby mentioned earlier), and Olivia, were kidnapped by Tate’s forces when they went through the city of The Zocalo. When Weasel asks where The Zocalo is, Daniel explains that they are in fact in the city’s Jungle Grove, and they just need to follow him into the city center. Daniel then leads them out of the Jungle Grove into the center of The Zocalo, a sprawling city located on an island in the middle of Lake Coxcote. The city is dominated by a gigantic pyramid in the center of the city, called the Pyramid of the Sun. The top of the pyramid is slightly burnt, an indication that Tate must have broken in there. Weasel and his friends ask around before being told by an Aztecosaur that Olivia locked herself at the bottom of the Cenote to escape Tate’s attack and is probably still down there. When Weasel asks what the Cenote is, Daniel says that it is an underground sinkhole where the Aztecosaurs used to bury their dead, but now Santa Muerte has been messing around there and the dead have all started rising up as zombies. However, they will need to ask an old alchemist named Oztomeca if they are to find a way to clear the way into the Cenote. He has them gather charcoal, flint, and saltpeter and then detonate the mixture in front of the Cenote entrance, blowing a large enough hole in it for them to enter. In the Cenote, they find Olivia and rescue her from a gang of Thunder Horn Zombies. After Morgan kills some Moon Skull Zombies that stole the pieces of Olivia’s wand, they return to The Zocalo. There, Olivia says that she, Kira, and Daniel were finishing up the ritual to send the Quetzal off into space when Tate’s army tried to interrupt them by kidnapping Kira and forcing Olivia to flee into The Cenote. Daniel then says that while Weasel and his friends were down in the Cenote, he learned that Kira was taken into the lower chamber of the Pyramid of the Sun, so they will have to use the side entrance. When Weasel and his friends enter the pyramid, they find zombies in the first two levels, which they easily overcome. However, they run into trouble when they are faced with an evil sorceress named Metzi Burning Water in the chamber where Kira is being held. Her spells even manage to knock Nate, Morgan, and Cole unconscious before she is killed by Taftenkhamun. Once Kira is freed, they leave the pyramid and report back to Daniel and Olivia. Kira explains that the first thing Tate and Santa Muerte did when they landed was take over the Pyramid of The Sun. The pyramid’s Black Sun Priests have long been entrusted with burying the Aztlanian dead, and now they have fallen under Tate’s influence, and the amount dark secrets Tate could learn from them can only be guessed at. She says that they need to go into the main entrance of the Pyramid of The Sun, but they first need permission from the King of Aztlan, Cullen of the Hensley Dynasty. When they enter his palace, King Cullen asks them to find his Tlaolani’s Crown, which was stolen and taken into The Cenote when the zombies rose up. When Weasel and his friends go to the area of The Cenote that King Cullen told them to search, they find an Aztecosaur named Macye hiding in a corner. She offers to tell them where the Tlaolani’s Crown is if they can kill some zombies nearby that are trying to find and eat her brains. After everyone kills one zombie each, Macye tells them to look in the tomb to their left. Macye adds that the Aztecosaurs’ last king, Josh of the Pearce Dynasty, was dragged into the tomb by zombies while he was still wearing the Tlaolani’s Crown. In the tomb, they find that Josh has been turned into a zombie after having his brains eaten. After Josh tries to eat them, he is killed by Maxwell. When they show Macye the Tlaolani’s Crown, she says it has become corrupted with Shadow Magic, and that they need Fire Quetzal venom, raw gold, and all the pieces of a calendar stone stolen by Moon Skull Zombies. Once these materials are acquired, Macye tells them to go into The Cenote’s Pyramid of White Fire to reassemble the Calendar Stone. When Weasel and his friends go into the pyramid, they are forced to fight an evil witch named Erin Screaming Moon. After Weasel defeats Erin, they reassemble the calendar, which melts the raw gold and Tlaolani’s Crown, allowing the corruption to be siphoned out with the Fire Quetzal venom before re-solidifying. Macye then says she is returning to The Zocalo and suggests Weasel and his friends do the same. Weasel and his friends then give the Tlaolani’s Crown to King Cullen, who gladly agrees to let them into the main entrance of the Pyramid of The Sun. After dealing with zombies on the first few levels, they run into none other than Elliot on the last level. Elliot is eventually defeated by Nate, Cole, and Shelby. As Cole is about to finish Elliot off, he asks that they spare his life in exchange for information on Tate’s plans. He says Tate is searching the Aztlanian pyramids for the Horn of Huitzilopochtli, and the Black Sun Priests are serving as his guides. With that, Elliot leaves. Weasel and his friends then report back to Cullen, who says he does not know what the Horn of Huitzilopochtli is. He tells them to go ask Daniel Rainbowmask if he knows. Daniel reveals that this is indeed the horn mentioned in the prophecy, but that is all he knows. He says that if Tate is indeed searching the step pyramids, they need to go to Campeche Swamp, on the east coast. However, Weasel discovers that when Tate left the city, he destroyed the eastern causeway leading across Lake Coxcote out of the city. They ask Kira what to do, and she says they will have to go underneath Lake Coxcote to fix the bridge. She then says she is looking for adventure, and joins the group. When she asks them if they can breathe underwater, they tell her about Mirror Lake. She then explains that she can use Star Magic to breathe underwater for up to three hours at a time. When they get to the bottom of Lake Coxcote, they are able to see the wreckage of the causeway from a distance, but they need to find a way to get to it and rebuild it. They find an undead beast called Aizhuotl Drowned Dog who helps them cross the White Smokers and defeat the Pira’Nya Scissor Teeth to get to the wreckage, which he explains they just need to use the Astral Rock to fix. Once they fix the wreckage, they return to The Zocalo and cross the causeway into Mangrove Marsh. When they arrive in Mangrove Marsh, they ask a parrot named Drew Crider if he knows anyone who can lead them to Campeche Swamp. Drew says that King Cullen sent out a party of scouts, and that Weasel and his friends should head north to their camp to ask them. When they get there, they talk to the head scout, an Aztecosaur named Hayden Brooks. Hayden tells them that his map was stolen by the crazy leader of the parrots that have camped out in the nearby Tehuantepec Village. However, the key to the Tula Village was stolen by the gang of Thunder Horn Ghouls that hang out near the tombs. When Weasel and his friends go to the clearing in front of the tombs, they kill some Thunder Horn Ghouls, and find a trail of ghoul slime leading into one of the tombs. In the tomb, they find an Aztecosaur zombie named Poca Cruel Star. After a brief battle in which Morgan kills Poca, Weasel and his friends take back the key and use it to sneak into Tehuantepec Village. There, they find a parrot named Montezuma One Who Speaks. Montezuma tells them that the leader of the Splinter Wing, the group of parrots that settled in Tehuantepec Village, is a deranged parrot named Spencer of Norman who lives in the Hall of Plumage and practices Shadow Magic. When Weasel and his friends demand entry to the Hall of Plumage, they get kicked out and the security guards say they need permission from one of Spencer’s Elites to go in. Taftenkhamun then tortures the location of one of Spencer’s Elites, Lipoc Dark Sky, out of one of the guards and Weasel and his friends find Lipoc in a nearby cave. After a brief fight, Nate defeats Lipoc and forces him to sign a waiver allowing Weasel and his friends access to the Hall of Plumage. Inside the Hall of Plumage, Maxwell easily dispatches the guards and they eventually reach Spencer, who reveals himself as another one of Tate’s warlords. After a longer battle, Garett defeats Spencer, who drops the map but escapes. After they deal with Spencer, they follow the lead of the map to Campeche Swamp. In Campeche Swamp, they find none other than Erin Screaming Moon, who, after a brief fight, agrees to join them on their quest. She says that Tate’s army is already inside the Pyramid of Storm Eye and they must hurry if they are to catch up to them. Nate, Garett, and Maxwell say they know the way there from when they fought against Santa Muerte with the Monquistadors years ago, and lead them to a large river between them and the pyramid, but they find that the bridge across has been severed by Tate’s army in an attempt to slow them down. Erin says that the Monquistadors who Nate, Garett, and Maxwell tough with still operate here, and, to their luck, are located on their side of the river. They then go to the Monquistadors’ ship and ask around until they find their leader, Felipe de Buenhombre. Felipe tells them that in order to cross the bridge, they need the Snake Whistle, an artifact that calls all the snakes in Campeche Swamp to unite and form a bridge for them to walk across. However, Felipe is at a loss at where this artifact is. He suggests that the nearby New Moon Priestesses may know of its location, but they are loyal to Tate, and getting the information will require a fight. Erin defeats some of them in battle and they say that it is located in the Quetzal Caves nearby. When they tell Felipe of this, he warns that the Quetzal Caves are filled with ravenous quetzals, and not even the bravest of his Monquistadors have ever dared to venture inside. To prove that they are indeed worthy of his help, Felipe challenges them to battle. After Maxwell defeats Felipe, Felipe orders his entire army of Monquistadors to go with them into the cave. Almost immediately, they are swarmed by man-eating quetzals defending their nesting site. Although nobody is killed, Morgan receives a scar on her left cheek after being grazed by a quetzal fang. Once most of the quetzals are gone, they find a gigantic tyrannosaurus rex guarding the Snake Whistle. The t. rex charges at them, and after a long battle, Nate kills it with a blow to the head. Morgan then realizes that this t. rex is indeed Santa Muerte’s pet, and says that once Santa Muerte finds out that they killed it, her rage will only grow and more zombies will awaken from the dead. They then go to the edge of the river and blow the Snake Whistle, causing hundreds of thousands of snakes to emerge from the grass and form a bridge across the river with their bodies. When they cross the bridge, they find that the door into the pyramid is locked. In response, the Monquistadors break down one of the statues surrounding the pyramid and use it as a battering ram to gain entry. While the Monquistadors battle Tate’s army and some zombies, Weasel and his friends go to the bottom of the Pyramid to find that Tate has already left, though he did not find the Horn of Huitzilopochtli there. However, they find several defiled coffins and a ghostly figure appears in the center of the room, saying that Tate has stolen the souls of the Lords of Xibalba, the Aztecosaurs who first learned Shadow Magic from the Eaglyptians, from their coffins and that he is trying to gather them all together so that he can force them to teach him the Song of Shadow, a song that, when learned, will imbue Tate fully with the powers of Shadow Magic. The ghost also says that in the remaining two step pyramids, there are more souls for him to steal as well as the Horn of Huitzilopochtli. Before the ghost disappears, he warns that a traitor has risen in The Zocalo and taken the king hostage. With that, Weasel and his friends depart Campeche Swamp and head back to The Zocalo, where they report back to Daniel. Daniel says that there has indeed been a coup in King Cullen’s Palace, and they must go there to investigate. Once inside the palace, they find King Cullen tied against the wall being prepared for his execution by none other than Macye and Tate. A female phoenix is standing beside them, and Morgan immediately recognizes her as Santa Muerte. Santa Muerte, Macye, and Tate talk about how they just forced the king to build their army rafts to the island of Zultun, where the Pyramid of Mother Moon lies. They say that the king has outlived his usefulness, so they are going to execute him before he can pose a threat. As this talk is going on, however, Taftenkhamun and Ryan make short work of the guards and free King Cullen from his bondage. Ryan then takes out his tanegashima musket and points it at Santa Muerte, while Taftenkhamun takes out his khopesh and Cullen takes out his war club. Not wanting to risk a fight just yet, Santa Muerte, Macye, and Tate agree to leave the palace. King Cullen tells them that they must immediately build a raft and follow them to the island of Zultun if they are to beat Tate to the Pyramid of Mother Moon. They report back to Daniel, who instructs them how to build a raft out of reeds that grow in The Zocalo, and then tells them that when they get to Zultun, to look for someone who can take them to King Jack of Garland. If King Jack of Garland falls under Tate’s influence or is killed, the battle for Aztlan is lost. When Weasel and his friends arrive in Zultun, they are attacked by a group of Deinosuchus that they only barely manage to fend off. They then find the port of Zultun Dock deserted with Tate’s soldiers roaming the streets. However, they find one house that is completely boarded up. Maxwell busts down the door and they find someone inside named Neza the Righteous. He initially mistakes them for Tate’s soldiers and attacks them, but he is defeated by Weasel. He says that he is the Prince of Zultun, son of King Jack of Garland. He says that Tate’s forces have completely taken control of Zultun dock and the nearby Cloud Forest, but the Zultunians are still resisting in their treetop village of Palo Alto. He says that, in the Cloud Forest, the king’s daughter (and by extension his sister), Carly, was injured by Tate and is being kept somewhere in the Cloud Forest. Neza goes with them to the Cloud Forest, where Cole interrogates and defeats some soldiers. The soldiers say they do not personally know where Carly is, but they say they saw 2 people stab her and then go off into a jungle clearing. Weasel and his friends go into the clearing, where they find a pterodactyl and a jaguar. The pterodactyl introduces himself as Prince Thomas of Meyer, while the jaguar introduces herself as Princess Macie of the Northern Desert. After a long fight, Kira defeats Thomas and Shelby defeats Macie. After this battle, Thomas and Macie reveal they are both Tate’s warlords and that Carly ran off into the jungle sanctuary after being injured. Once Thomas and Macie leave, Weasel and his friends go into the jungle sanctuary, where they find a heavily wounded Carly. She says that the only one who knows how to heal her is Popol Vuh Whitepaper, who resides in Palo Alto. She says to get up there, they will need the help of Yaxche, the Spirit of Aztlan, who resides in a nearby temple. When they go to Yaxche’s temple, they discover that Yaxche has been infected with Shadow Magic, and as a result, Yaxche attacks them. Yaxche is eventually defeated by a lucky shot from Ryan’s tanegashima and the shadow leaves his body, turning him back to his old self. Yaxche gives Weasel and his friends new clothes (the ones that they got from Noah on Planet Squid are worn out by this point) and tells them how to use the Magic Stairway that allows them to climb to the treetops of Palo Alto. When they get to Palo Alto, they find Tate’s soldiers and Zultunians fighting in the treetops, with the Zultunians rapidly losing ground. Reinvigorated by the sight of their Captain Neza, the Zultunians are able to push back Tate’s forces to the area around Xolotl Tower for a while. Meanwhile, Weasel and his friends find a Zultunian that they met before in Mangrove Marsh named Drew Crider. Drew explains that after Spencer of Norman’s defeat, the Splinter Wing returned to Palo Alto and joined the rest of the Zultunians. He also says that Popol Vuh Whitepaper is being held captive by Inquisitor Rhys in his own home. Weasel and his friends then break into Popol Vuh Whitepaper’s house and defeat Rhys, freeing Popol. Popol says that, while Carly’s wounds are a pressing situation, they must first meet with King Jack of Garland to ensure he does not make a deal with Tate’s Army. He says that all the ways into his palace are blocked off by battle zones, so they will have to use the secret entrance at the back of the Calmecac Library. Once they are inside the library, they find none other than Lord Whelan, who is quickly defeated by Morgan. Once they are inside King Jack of Garland’s Palace, they warn him of the situation with Carly and their need to get into the Pyramid of Mother Moon before Tate does. Just then, Tate himself, along with Santa Muerte, Macye, Lord Whelan, Inquisitor Rhys, Lord Ombra, Sir Will of Cole, Elliot, Thomas, and Macie enter the palace from outside and demand that Jack of Garland tells them where the Pyramid of Mother Moon is. When Jack refuses, Tate threatens to have his army raze Palo Alto to a crisp and massacre all of Zultun’s population. Seeing no other way out of this, Jack uses Astral Rock, causing a chunk of the ceiling to come down on himself and Tate, killing himself while severely injuring Tate. Tate’s warlords then run out of the palace in shock while Weasel and his friends tell Popol Vuh Whitepaper, Drew Crider, and Neza of their situation. Popol says that while they were gone, he gathered a bag of cacao beans, which will heal Carly when she chews on them. Drew and Neza then both say that their best bet now is to heal Carly, then have her lead them into the Tar Pits, where the Pyramid of Mother Moon is located. When Weasel gives Carly the cacao beans, she leads them into a cave behind a waterfall that is the entrance to the Tar Pits. Nate says this is the place he was born and thus he remembers it well. Nate leads them to the chief of his own tribe, the Gold Frill Spike Horns, named Tlali Long Cave. Tlali says that in order to get to the Pyramid of Mother Moon, they need the Azure Stone of Destiny, an artifact from Arturia that will allow them to tolerate the harsh temperatures down there. He says that a monster known as Cipactli currently has it and taking it from him requires a war challenge. He says that in order to perform a war challenge, they need a certain set of materials, which Weasel and his friends assemble within a few hours. Once they charge into Cipactli’s den, a battle ensues in which Cipactli is decapitated by Garett and they take the Azure Stone of Destiny. Once they have the stone, Carly tells them to stand at the edge of the lake of tar and hold it up. The tar will engulf them and drag them down to the depths of the Tar Lake, where the Pyramid of Mother Moon is waiting for them. Once they are at the bottom of the lake, they sneak into the pyramid, where they battle through several rooms full of zombies before reaching the bottom, where they find Tate and his warlords using Santa Muerte’s powers to rip souls from their graves and store them in a magic box. He says that although the Horn of Huitzilopochtli is not there either, there is only one more pyramid: the Pyramid of Black Sun in Twin Giants, which by process of elimination, is certain to contain the Horn of Huitzilopochtli and the last of the souls of the Lords of Xibalba. He then says that he has imbued the ghost of King Jack of Garland with Shadow Magic before he summons him and leaves with his warlords. The shadow-infested ghost of King Jack then attacks them until he is eventually defeated by Taftenkhamun. The shadow then leaves King Jack’s spirit, returning the ghost to King Jack’s old personality. King Jack then says that to get to Twin Giants, they must first cross the Northern Desert and then climb the Northern Mountains. To get to the Northern Desert, they must first return to The Zocalo and then cross the northern causeway across Lake Coxcote. He tells them that when they arrive in the desert, they need to look for a jaguar oracle named Chilane Spirit Talker. When Weasel and his friends arrive back in The Zocalo, they tell Daniel what happened in Zultun. Daniel is very troubled by this turn of events, and he begins to fear that he may be watching the end of the world of Aztlan. He reinforces that if Tate is not stopped, then he will use the Horn of Huitzilopochtli to go to Xibalba and bring the asteroid down upon the planet to fulfill the prophecy. When Weasel and his friends arrive in the desert, they find a jaguar named Ocuhaje Mirror Knife who has them gather numerous materials around his large outdoor temple to use as an offering for Chilane. He then leads them into his cave, where he says he will prepare the offering. However, he leads them into a trap as none other than Elliot is in there and Elliot reveals that Ocuhaje is being forced to work for Tate before instructing Ocuhaje to kill Weasel and his friends while he takes the sacrifice to Chilane. Once Ocuhaje is defeated by Kira, the curse wears off and Ocuhaje apologizes for betraying them, forcing Elliot to leave. However, Elliot managed to escape with the sacrifice, meaning that he can now force Chilane to help him and Tate. Ocuhaje tells them to go deeper into the desert, where Chilane’s temple is located in an effort to beat Elliot there. However, by the time they get there, Elliot is already walking out of the temple with a crystal skull in his hand. He explains that he forced Chilane to tell him that the Crystal Skull would point him in the direction of the Horn of Huitzilopochtli. Weasel and his friends then enter Chilane’s temple, where Chilane apologizes for mistaking Elliot for one of them and handing him the Crystal Skull just because he had the sacrifice. He then says that the only hope left for Aztlan is that they catch Elliot before he reaches Tate’s encampment on the top of Twin Giants. He says there is a zipline that can take them up to the Great Northern Mountains, but it will burn their hands off unless they apply a special salve made with the blood of Aztlan’s first eagle and the juice of Aztlan’s first cactus. Luckily, Chilane has both the Eagle and Cactus in the back room of his temple, so Weasel defeats the Eagle to get a blood sample while Nate collects juice from the cactus. When the salve is ready, they get on the zipline and climb to the Great Northern Mountains. In the mountains, they chase Elliot to the summit, fighting zombies and Tate’s soldiers as they go. At the summit, they see another zipline that Elliot proceeds to cross, taking him to Twin Giants. Before Weasel and his friends can climb on, Elliot cuts the line as soon as he reaches the other side. Weasel and his friends briefly enter a state of panic until they see a nearby temple on the edge of a cliff. In the temple, they find a deranged eagle named Guaman Skyfall who says he will teach them the other way across to Twin Giants if they can defeat him in battle. Once Guaman is defeated by Shelby and Ryan, he says that the rock behind his temple will turn them into eagles of fire long enough for them to fly to Twin Giants if they meditate in front of it. Once Weasel and his friends arrive on Twin Giants, they find the ghost of an eagle there. The ghost introduces himself as Kwicani Thundersong, and with the magic still on them, thinks Weasel and his friends are eagles. Kwicani says that once Tate’s Army arrived via the zipline, he tried to hold them off for a while, but was eventually killed. He says Santa Muerte brought calacas (undead skeletons) with them from the Cenote to bolster their forces, and demands that Weasel and his friends avenge him by killing some of them so he can think clearly. Once this is accomplished, the magic on Weasel and his friends has worn off and Kwicani realizes that they are in fact the leader of Aurea and his loyal friends. After Weasel tells Kwicani their situation and how much time is of the essence, he says that in order to follow Tate’s Army, they must pass through the Amber Giant, a dormant volcano. He tells them that once they do this, they must speak with the Winged Tooths, the tribe of pterodactyls that Thomas belongs to. Once the volcano is crossed via a wooden bridge, they easily find the Winged Tooths repairing their village and fighting off Tate’s soldiers. They speak to their leader, Yupanqui Honored One, who tells them that if they want to help they should search for the Winged Tooth raiding party that just went missing in Black Tooth Gorge. In the gorge, Weasel and his friends free some Winged Tooth soldiers trapped by heavy rocks, as well as fighting off a few of Tate’s soldiers and zombies. Once this is accomplished, they go into a cave where they are told that the Winged Tooth Army Captain, Pachacuti Earth Shaker, is being held captive by Sir Will of Cole. After Will is defeated by Cole, they free Pachacuti, who says that the Queen of the Winged Tooths, Chasca Early Dawn, has been captured by Tate’s forces and taken to their camp, which is set up at the base of an extinct volcano called the Malachite Giant, directly in front of the Pyramid of Black Sun. Weasel and his friends then gather all the Winged Tooths together and they storm the camp, wresting control of it from Tate’s Army. Once Chasca Early Dawn is freed, Weasel asks her about the Horn of Huitzilopochtli. She says that the Horn of Huitzilopochtli is not a literal horn, but a Thunder Horn Aztecosaur priest who tends the Obsidian Butterfly Shrine nearby. Chasca tells Weasel and his friends to go there and look for the priest. Once inside the shrine, they find Elliot in there with the Crystal Skull in his hands. He reveals that he used the Crystal Skull to permanently hypnotize the Horn of Huitzilopochtli, and now Tate is using him for his evil purposes in the Pyramid of Black Sun. Elliot then attacks them with his full strength, and Weasel and all his friends combined only barely manage to defeat him. They report back to Chasca, who says they must enter the Pyramid of Black Sun to stop Tate from using the Horn of Huitzilopochtli to get to Xibalba. Inside the pyramid, they fight off the usual soldiers and zombies before reaching the bottom level, where Tate is standing with Santa Muerte, his warlords, and the Horn of Huitzilopochtli. Tate then steals the last of the Lords of Xibalba’s souls before the Horn of Huitzilopochtli sings a bizarre incantation, causing a portal to Xibalba to open. Tate then walks through the portal with his warlords, but not before instructing the Horn of Huitzilopochtli to stay behind and slaughter Weasel and his friends. With that, the portal closes and the Horn of Huitzilopochtli attacks. Once Erin decapitates the Horn of Huitzilopochtli, Weasel and his friends, in a panicked state, rush back to The Zocalo and report to Daniel. Daniel says that there is still a way to follow Tate to Xibalba: there are 3 statues scattered around the planet, that when all 3 are activated, will fling anyone who uses them onto Xibalba. Weasel then goes to Campeche Swamp to activate the first statue, Ryan goes to the Tar Pits to activate the second, and Cole goes to Twin Giants to activate the third. Once the statues are up and running, Weasel and his friends all gather in front of the statue in Campeche Swamp, meditate briefly, and fly through the sky onto Xibalba. Once they arrive on Xibalba, Weasel and his friends split into two groups: Morgan, Shelby, Kira, Nate, Taftenkhamun, and Maxwell go take care of Tate’s warlords while Weasel, Garett, Erin, and Ryan take on the Lords of Xibalba. During each match, the Lords of Xibalba express they have no desire to work for Tate, but are bound to his Box of Souls and thus are forced to fight for him. After all the Lords of Xibalba are defeated, Tate summons the souls back into the box and says that it is too late for Weasel and his friends to stop, redirect, or destroy Xibalba, and that Aztlan’s time is done. The army took. The mirror broke. The horn called, and now the skies over Aztlan shall fall. Meanwhile, Morgan and her team have defeated every one of Tate’s warlords except for Santa Muerte, who challenges her sister Morgan to a 1v1 duel. The rest of Morgan’s team meets back up with Weasel’s. Weasel initially expresses concern about Morgan not leaving the asteroid, but Morgan insists that she’ll find a way off before it’s too late. While Morgan stays behind to finish her battle with Santa Muerte, Weasel and his friends return to the spot that the 3 statues teleported them to and meditate hard. Eventually, they are teleported back to Twin Giants, where the sky over Aztlan has turned a ghastly green and miniature meteors are starting to rain down on the planet from above as Xibalba draws nearer to the ground. Eventually, the meteors begin to wreak havoc on the landscape, destroying anything they come into contact with. Meanwhile, Tate and his warlords (including Santa Muerte), teleport off of the asteroid, leaving Morgan stranded. Thinking quickly, she grabs onto one of the miniature meteors breaking off the asteroid, allowing it to take her back to the surface of Aztlan. She hops off just before it explodes on a building in Zultun Dock, and Morgan escapes into the Cloud Forest. Weasel and his friends then return to The Zocalo in defeat, apologizing to Daniel for letting Tate destroy his planet. In his response, Daniel said the following, “I have no words. You come to us now at the end. Our days become hours. Our hours, minutes. Every minute is one lost lifetime. The sky is fire, but I can see the moon clearly now, in my mind’s eye. Full and bright, protective as our mother. Some few of us will survive, perhaps, but our world will be gone… to fuel the dark heart of the Shadow King. Return to Aurea and tell your people what transpired here. Help us live on in memory, and keep our story pure. Use our tale to inspire a Great Aurean Army to challenge the Shadow,” With that, Taftenkhamun prepares the Pa-Ankh for takeoff and Weasel and his friends leave Aztlan and all of its people to their fate.