Universal Timeline (BR=before the start of the book series, AR=after the start of the book series)

Link to History of the Galaxy draft soundtrack: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1UG40_70y-s86c_i5yOKDE_R8IYM1PqOx

For more info on the "draft soundtrack" concept, click here: Draft Soundtrack



Unknown Year (Likely Multiple Octillion BR): Mana appears and time begins

205,000-45,000 BR: Creation of the Universe (Titan War and Giant War both fall under this as well)

45,000-40,000 BR: Humans begin to lose faith in The Gods, who retaliate by transforming them into the anthropomorphic animals that inhabit the South Galaxy today. New civilizations appear galaxy-wide.

~40,000 BR: Remaining pure-blooded humans start the Atlantean Civilization on Atlantea and colonize Melzac

~35,000 BR: Shadow Magic is invented, Shadow Spirit is created. Jörmungandr awakens and nearly destroys the South Galaxy, but is stopped by Dyeus. Astral Magic is invented. Light and Shadow Cycle starts. Melzac Academy founded.

Sometime 34,918-34,834 BR: The Scions of Heaven are all taken by Brahma to the Physical Realm: The Baobab is planted on Muungano, the Great Palm is planted on Aurea, the Primordial Myrrh is planted on Awal, Yggdrasil is planted on Ryu 108, the Fuchang Cherry is planted on Ryu 97, Grandmother Oak is planted on Navayu, the Rachias Tree is planted on Vigam, Yaxche is planted on Aztlan, Daru is planted on Pritani, Hu is planted on Iteru. The Great Scion, from the Cosmic Anchor itself, is planted on Atlantea, becoming the Tree of Life.


33,332 BR: Vijeta unifies Bharatam and declares himself Emperor of Emperors

33,330 BR: Vijeta invades Navayu and easily conquers its tribes

33,326 BR: Vijeta inherits the kingdom of Alkhadra on Awal, causing a border dispute with neighboring kingdoms that Vijeta uses as an excuse to invade Awal

33,310 BR: Vijeta conquers al-Sariq, Awal's last independent kingdom

33,304 BR: Vijeta suddenly dies of heart failure; his son, Aksham, inherits Vijeta's empire

33,299 BR: Aksham attempts to colonize Aurea, but the colonists starve

33,287 BR: Aksham invades Atlantea, but is defeated at the Battle of Coconut Plains and forced to retreat

33,262 BR: Aksham suddenly dies in his sleep after putting down a rebellion on Awal. Aksham's son, Bevakhooph, becomes emperor

33,262 BR: The Kingdom of Iteru accepts Bharatami suzerainty

33,260-32,254 BR: Bevakhooph invades Vigam and conquers all of the planet's kingdoms within 6 years

33,249 BR: Bevakhooph invades the Empire of Caerbannog on Pritani and gains control of the area around Caliburn Fields after the war ends in a draw

33,231 BR: Bevakhooph, with an army of half a million men, invades Atlantea. Atlantea's kingdoms and principalities band together and manage to repulse the invasion

33,220s BR: Bharatami Empire begins to decline

33,217 BR: Tengol tribes settle the Tengolian Plain on Ryu 97

33,214 BR: Bevakhooph is assassinated without an heir, Bharatami Empire descends into chaos

33,210 BR: By this time, the Bharatami Empire has been broken up into thousands of different kingdoms and principalities jostling for local power

33,204 BR: Giuseppe, the current Man of Light and Shadow, unites the warring principalities on Rinascita and begins the tradition of Rinascitan democracy

33,198 BR: John Wormtail becomes king of the Burrowers on Vigam, causing the Arachna to declare their independence from the Burrowers

33,193 BR: Treaty of Caputus Vigamius, brokered by Giuseppe, separates Vigam into 3 entities: the Burrowers, the Bees, and the Arachna (all of which will have good relations until Tate invades the planet thousands of years later)

33,146 BR: Giuseppe dies in his sleep and is reincarnated into Jimmu

33,130 BR: Jimmu finds out he is the next Man of Light and Shadow

33,128 BR: Jimmu is crowned Emperor of Jade City on Ryu 97

33,097 BR: Jimmu has completely unified Ryu 97 by this time

33,084 BR: Temujin is born on the Tengolian Plain

33,053 BR: Temujin has unified all the tribes on the Tengolian Plain into the Tengols

33,052 BR: Tengols invade the rest of Ryu 97

33,051 BR: Tengols take the Jade City after a months-long siege, Emperor Jimmu is executed by the Tengols and reincarnated as Bjørn on Ryu 108, Temujin declares himself Emperor of Ryu 97

33,048 BR: Tengols invent the Matrix Ripper, a device that allows spaceships to tear holes in time and space, allowing them to fly at faster-than-light speeds

33,042 BR: Temujin invades Ryu 108 and, with the new technology of matrix rippers, conquers the whole planet in 2 weeks

33,041 BR: Since he knew Jimmu would be reincarnated on Ryu 108, Temujin orders the execution of all babies and toddlers on Ryu 108 born since 33,051 BR, Bjørn's parents hide him on a lone ship in the middle of the sea to prevent him from being executed

33,030 BR: Awal's various sultanates band together to defeat the Tengols

33,027 BR: Awal's newly united navy easily defeated in the planet's atmosphere, Tengols quickly conquer the entire planet

33,025 BR: Viet Koi on Ryu 97 have a rebellion that Temujin swiftly crushes

33,024 BR: Temujin dies suddenly in his sleep, his son Kundek becomes the new Tengol Khan

33,020 BR: Ship full of Tengol criminals crashes on Aurea in the Tangolian Desert. These Tengols settle eastern Aurea, and their descendants are known to this day as the Tangolians.

33,010 BR: Tangolians lose all contact with the other Tengols

33,000s-32,980s BR: Planets around the galaxy begin to unite themselves to face the Tengol threat

33,004 BR: King Aonghus of Caerbannog inherits the Chiefdom of Dun Leigh, uniting Pritani

32,997 BR: King Pacal of the Avians conquers The Zocalo, the Eastern Marshes, the Great Northern Desert, and Twin Giants, uniting Aztlan

32,994 BR: The Lions, Zebras, Elephants, Gorillas, and Hyenas put their tribal warfare on hold and agree to form an Alliance of Muungano (Muungano was what Planet Squid was called back then)

32,989 BR: King Iohannes of Atlantea conquers the Dolphinesians and Platypusians, uniting Atlantea

32,988 BR: The Mongoose Empire on Bharatam is founded by Shrikar I, who conquers all of Bharatam except the easternmost kingdoms

32,983 BR: The Burrowers, Bees, and Arachna on Vigam forge the Vigamian Alliance, Iteru surrenders to the Tengols without a fight

32,981 BR: Kundek is assassinated by his daughter Borte, who becomes Khan of the Tengol Empire

32,975 BR: Tengols attempt to invade Bharatam, but their invasion fleet is destroyed in an asteroid field

32,974 BR: Pritani invades Tengol-held Iteru in an attempt to liberate it, but are defeated at the Battle of Al Sarawiyah and forced to retreat

32,973 BR: Tengol fleet is rebuilt, Tengols attack Pritani in retaliation for their raid on Iteru

32,972 BR: Pritanians manage to successfully defend the city of Caerbannog, causing the Tengols to leave the planet

32,961 BR: Rinascita's navy accidentally shoots down a Tengol cargo ship, causing the Tengols to declare war

32,959 BR: Tengols defeat Rinascita at the Battle of the Swamps and march on the Rinascitian Capitol, which they burn to the ground

32,958 BR: Last pockets of Rinascitan resistance crushed by the Tengols

32,927 BR: Tengols create the Southwest Line, the first transgalactic trade route

32,906 BR: Bjørn unites Ryu 108 in rebellion against the Tengols

32,905 BR: Pritiani sends its troops to help Ryu 108's rebellion, causing the Tengols to declare war on Pritani again

32,904 BR: Ryu 108's rebels defeat the Tengols at the Battle of Yngvar's Holt (later Ivar's Holt), raising morale

32,903 BR: Tengols crush the Ryu 108 rebellion at the Battle of Hrafnfjell, Bjørn commits suicide in despair and is reincarnated on Atlantea as Digbah

32,897 BR: Tengols take the city of Caerbannog and burn it to the ground, Pritanian King Moray is executed, and Borte declares herself Queen of Pritani

32,896 BR: Borte dies in her sleep, her daughter Chotan becomes Khan of the Tengol Empire and Queen of Pritani

32,895 BR: Tengol garrison ambushed and defeated near Dun Leigh by Pritanian rebels, Pritanian rebels take Dun Leigh

32,894 BR: Tengols defeat Pritanian rebels in the Battle of the Wyrd, but fail to take Dun Leigh

32,890 BR: The Vigamian Alliance sends its army to Prtiani to assist the rebels, Chotan declares war on the Vigamian Alliance

32,884 BR: Pritanian rebels retake the city of Caerbannog and install Muireadhaigh I as King of Pritani, small Tengol army lands on Vigam near Hurrian Gorge

32,882 BR: Tengols withdraw completely from Pritani, Vigamian Alliance builds Fort Rachias to defend against the Tengols

Late 32,880s-32,871 BR: Tengols raise 10-million-strong army to invade Vigam

32,871 BR: Tengols test out their new army by defeating and conquering the Alliance of Muungano in the space of 3 days

32,870 BR: Pritani, Aztlan, and Atlantea all declare war on the Tengols, Tengols take Fort Rachias, advance down Hurrian Gorge, and besiege Caputus Vigamius

32,869 BR: Caputus Vigamius begins to starve, an Arachna army from across the Great Northern Sea (which would eventually become the Burning Sea) lands at Rachias Beach and attempts to relieve Caputus Vigamius

32,868 BR: Tengol army on Vigam is trapped between the Arachna Army and Caputus Vigamius, forcing the 2.5 million men left standing to surrender and be taken prisoner

32,867 BR: Digbah, the Man of Light and Shadow, becomes King of Atlantea, Chotan is assassinated by her cousin Ogodei, who becomes Khan of the Tengol Empire. Ogodei then nationalizes profits made on the Southwestern Line and uses it to finance a 30-million-man-army

32,865 BR: Tengols invade Aztlan, landing in the Eastern Marshes, Aztlanians build walls around The Zocalo to defend themselves

32,864 BR: The Zocalo falls to the Tengols, later Palo Alto falls to the Tengols and Aztlan surrenders

32,851 BR: Tengol Empire celebrates its bicentennial anniversary

32,818 BR: Tengols forced to export 3/4 of Iteru's total wheat production to feed their gigantic empire, Iteru revolts

32,817 BR: Iteru rebels begin to coalesce around a man named Senuset

32,816 BR: Iteru declares independence from the Tengol Empire and Senuset declares himself pharaoh, Tengols send forces to Iteru to attempt to crush rebellion

32,815 BR: Pritani and Vigam launch a surprise attack on Ryu 97 to divert attention from Iteru

32,813 BR: Tengols forced to withdraw from Iteru, which goes on the offensive by invading neighboring Tengol-held Awal

32,809 BR: Ogodei dies in his sleep, his son Kachik becomes Khan of the Tengol Empire, the Pritanian and Vigamian armies become trapped in the mountains on Ryu 97 and are forced to surrender and be taken prisoner, Iteru defeats the Tengols at the Battle of al-Sariq and takes that city

32,808 BR: Vigam and Pritani raise new armies and leave some in reserve at home while sending the rest to Awal to assist Iteru

32,806 BR: Iteru forces the Tengols to retreat from Awal, but insists on ruling it as a colony instead of liberating it

32,800 BR: Tengols invade and conquer the Eastern Kingdoms on Bharatam and try to invade the Mongoose Empire, but are repulsed at the Battle of Ganga Falls

32,799 BR: Digbah dies of heart failure and is reincarnated as Serapis on Iteru, Mongoose Empire formally declares war on the Tengol Empire after another border skirmish at Patnapura Bridge

32,797 BR: Tengols defeat the Mongoose Empire at the Battle of Elephant Bay, killing the Mongoose Emperor in the process. Kachik declares himself Emperor of the Mongoose Empire, uniting Bharatam under Tengol rule

32,781 BR: Tengols attempt to invade Iteru, but their fleet is defeated in the planet's atmosphere. Wreckage from the Tengol fleet crashes onto the planet's surface, allowing a curious and mechanically gifted Serapis to tinker around with a Matrix Ripper and learn the secret to the Tengols' success

32,780 BR: Serapis is murdered by agents of the Tengol Government and reincarnated as Coyotonqui on Aztlan; Iteru, Vigam, and Pritani begin building ships with Matrix Rippers

32,773 BR: Vigam lands on Aztlan and liberates it from Tengol rule. However, the new regime proves to be very unstable and collapses quickly, resulting in unending civil war between the Avians, Aztlanians, and other groups

32,770 BR: As the Aztlanian regime collapses, it exits the war via a peace treaty with the Tengols

32,769 BR: Pritani defeats the Tengol fleet near an asteroid field, allowing Pritani to liberate Bharatam and Rinascita from the Tengols

32,769 BR: Arctic Tribes settle Navayu's Arctic region

32,768 BR: Rinascita liberates Muungano (Planet Squid) from the Tengols, the Tengols begin to fear they are losing the war

32,766 BR: With panic setting in and the threat of revolution on the horizon, Kachik suddenly abdicates without leaving an heir, plunging the Tengol Empire into chaos

32,765 BR: Ryu 108 declares independence from the Tengols, and the Tengols are too weak to hold onto it

32,763 BR: Atlantea declares independence from the Tengol Empire, reducing it to only Ryu 97

32,762 BR: The Tengols' interim government is overthrown by radicals, throwing Ryu 97 into civil war

32,760s-32,740s BR: Muungano and Atlantea disunite into the same factions that were present before the Tengol Invasion

32,694 BR: Coyotonqui dies in a failed attempt to reunite Aztlan and is reincarnated on Muungano as Ingwe

32,690 BR: Tonegawa, a descendant of Jimmu (the last Emperor of Ryu 97), conquers Nha Dun and Tengolia, reuniting Ryu 97

32,600 BR: By this time, the Tangolians on Aurea have completely forgotten their origins

32,600-20,033 BR: Galactic Dark Age (limited technological innovation, most planets are busy having inconclusive wars with themselves or other planets)

20,033 BR: The Man of Light and Shadow is reincarnated as Subhraj Anand

20,033-20,000 BR: Subhraj Anand rekindles faith in The Gods (via a new religion called Anandism) across the galaxy before dying in battle on Ryu 97

20,000 BR: Subhraj Anand dies and is reincarnated as Harkahome on Navayu

19,742 BR: By this time Ryu 97 has completely stopped worshipping Oni Demons and has fully adopted Moodhism

19,741 BR: Oni Demons punish Ryu 97 for not worshipping them by instituting strict Class System

19,730s BR: Dariush, the current Man of Light and Shadow, figures out how to go into Shadow Mode without an eclipse

19,432 BR: Millennia-long Aztlanian Civil War ends in a draw. Aztlan is split between Aztecosaurs, Avians, and other races


19,430 BR: Juan (the current Man of Light and Shadow) introduces the Treaty of al-Sariq, a treaty that ends most of the petty warfare of the Galactic Dark Age.

Late 19,000s-Late 15,000s BR: Ice Age on Ryu 108, cold-induced famine makes farming more difficult

16,722 BR: Isa, the current Man of Light and Shadow, is crucified by corrupt Iteru government

Early 15,000s BR: Shortage of resources causes Ryu 108 to fall into civil war

15,844 BR: Hans, the current Man of Light and Shadow, dies trying and failing to reunite Ryu 108. He is then reincarnated on Atlantea as Gunmonga.

15,844 BR: Space Pirates called "Vikings" from various warring kingdoms on Ryu 108 begin to pillage the galaxy for resources to take back to their inhospitable homeworld

15,844 BR: First documented Viking raid on Pritani, Pritanian monastery in the Cowlands destroyed as a result

15,838 BR: Vikings begin raiding Aurean countryside

15,833 BR: First documented Viking raid on Ryu 97, Temple of Priyanka badly damaged as a result

15,831 BR: First documented Viking raid on Rinascita, 2nd City of Gold nearly destroyed as a result

15,829 BR: First documented Viking raid on Vigam, raid successfully repulsed at Fort Rachias

15,829 BR: Pritani, Vigam, Aurea, Ryu 97, and Rinascita's governments meet to discuss their Viking problem

15,828 BR: Viking raids on these planets become more frequent and begin to cause more damage

15,827 BR: Vigam attempts to invade Ryu 108, but the invasion force is ambushed by Vikings in deep space and forced to turn back after suffering heavy losses

15,827 BR: Vikings launch a full-scale invasion of Ryu 97 in an attempt to gain farmland

15,826 BR: By this time, Nha Dun is the only area on Ryu 97 outside of Viking control

15,826 BR: Vikings launch a full-scale invasion of Pritani in an attempt to gain farmland

15,826 BR: Vikings launch a full-scale invasion of Vigam, but the invasion fails to take Fort Rachias and is repulsed

15,825 BR: Vikings capture Castle Pritani and execute Pritanian King MacMath, placing their own King Hansen II on the throne

15,825 BR: Some Pritanian refugees flee to then-uninhabited Ishga

15,825 BR: Most of Aztlan's Caimans are banished from their planet after their defeat by Tenochtitlan, causing them to roam the cosmos in search of a new homeworld

15,825 BR: Vikings attempt to conquer Nha Dun on Ryu 97, but are defeated by Prince Nguyen at the Battle of a Thousand Hills

15,825 BR: Prince Muireadhaigh of Pritani launches a rebellion in the Cowlands and defeats the Vikings at the Battle of Loch Nimue

15,824 BR: Vikings begin to be gradually driven out of Ryu 97 and Pritani

15,821 BR: Vikings launch first documented raid on Atlantea, Lunarium badly damaged as a result

15,818 BR: Vikings launch full-scale invasion of Atlantea, but their invasion fleet is drowned by Gunmonga, who accidentally floods the entire planet (except the tallest mountains) when he accidentally enters Shadow Mode without knowing how to control it

15,818 BR: Atlanteans build domes around their towns and cities to protect their civilization from the flood

15,818 BR: Gunmonga goes to Iteru to live out his days in exile. By this time, all of The Scions of Heaven except the Great Palm on Aurea have had their portals closed.

15,814 BR: Most Atlanteans decide living under domes on Atlantea is impossible, so many leave Atlantea and move to Ishga, where they mix with the Pritanian refugees already there and become the first Ishgas. Most Squidians from Atlantea flee to Awal.

15,813 BR: Vikings on Pritani lose control of Castle Pritani, Prince Muireadhaigh becomes King of Pritani

15,810 BR: Prince Nguyen successfully lands army at Hakata Bay, then presses on to retake Jade City and Ryu 97's throne

15,807 BR: Vikings set up trading post in Navayu's Arctic Region

15,798 BR: Vikings completely expelled from Pritani

15,797 BR: Vikings defeated by Samurai at the Battle of Volcano Mountain and are completely expelled from Ryu 97

15,790s-15,780s: Smaller-scale Viking raids continue to plague Pritani, Vigam, Olympia, Rinascita, and Ryu 97

15,780 BR: Harald I unites Ryu 108's warring kingdoms and declares himself King of Ryu 108

15,779 BR: Harald I invades Pritani, defeats the Pritanian Army at the Battle of Caerbannog and kills the elderly King Muireadhaigh I, taking the throne for himself

15,778 BR: Harald I invades Ryu 97, but is defeated by the Samurai after his invasion fleet is wrecked in the atmosphere by storms

15,776 BR: After uniting the warring groups of refugees, Stephen I becomes the first King of Ishga

15,775 BR: Vikings attempt to take control of Navayu's Arctic region, but are unprepared to fight in subzero conditions and defeated by the Walruskimo and Penguit tribes

15,774 BR: Vikings abandon Arctic invasion and return to their trading post there

15,774 BR: Harald I dies suddenly of malaria, causing his empire to be divided amongst his sons (Olaf I is in charge of Ryu 108, Hans I is in charge of Pritani, and Yngvar I is in charge of the Trading Post on Navayu)

15,770 BR: Olaf I defeats Yngvar I at the Battle of Iluak Glacier and gains control of the Trading Post on Navayu, Yngvar I is executed

15,769 BR: Olaf I invades Pritani, but his invasion force is defeated by Hans and forced to retreat

15,769 BR: Olaf I is assassinated by one of his own thanes named Thursson Icehammer, who becomes King of Ryu 108

15,764 BR: Thursson Icehammer abandons plans to conquer Pritani and instead invades Muungano

15,763 BR: Thursson Icehammer conquers all of Muungano except for the deep jungle. To punish Muungano's inhabitants for resisting the invasion, Thursson expels some rebellious Zebus and Lions from the planet

15,762 BR: Hans I is assassinated by an agent of Thursson Icehammer named Lars, but Lars is in turn killed by Hans's son Bjørn

15,761 BR: After a brief civil war, Bjørn becomes King of Pritani, beginning a long dynasty of Pritanian rulers with Viking origins

15,760 BR: Lions and Zebus expelled from Muungano land on Aurea, where they settle in the lands that will eventually become Zebusylvania

15,759 BR: Thursson Icehammer, seeing Bjørn as an illegitimate heir to Pritani's throne, invades the planet

15,759 BR: Bjørn defeats Thursson Icehammer at the Battles of Caliburn and Dun Leigh

15,752 BR: Bjørn re-allies Pritani with Vigam, Aurea, Rinascita, and Ryu 97

15,751 BR: Vigam and Aurea send a joint force to Muungano to liberate it

15,750 BR: Vigamian and Aurean invasion forces become bogged down in Zulundi and the invasion stalls

15,749 BR: Thursson Icehammer sends reinforcements to Muungano, expelling the Vigamians and Aureans and conquering the deep jungle

15,748 BR: Avians, Aztlanians, and other races on Aztlan all form a temporary alliance against Thursson Icehammer

15,743 BR: Thursson Icehammer invades Aztlan, but fails to take The Zocalo and retreats

15,739 BR: Viking colonists found Eyjagard, a settlement on an uninhabited group of islands on Atlantea

15,731 BR: Thursson Icehammer dies of old age, his son Olaf II becomes King of Ryu 108

15,730 BR: Eyjagard becomes one of the galaxy's most important trade centers

15,727 BR: Olaf II defeats entire Aurean navy in deep space, allowing him to conquer most of Aurea unopposed

15,726 BR: The Guant race on Aurea, unhappy with Viking rule, revolts against Olaf II's regime

15,726 BR: Olaf II brutally crushes the Guant Rebellion

15,724 BR: Vikings found the new city of Astras on the previously rural Aurea

15,724-15,420 BR: Vikings satisfied with their current territory. Vikings found new cities such as Isfoss on Ryu 108, New Yggdrasil on Muungano, and Jökullgard (which grew out of their pre-existing Trading Post) on Navayu

15,420 BR: Vikings, under their King Gormsson II, invade Iteru

15,420 BR: Gunmonga comes out of hiding and sacrifices himself to completely destroy the Viking fleet. Gunmonga is then reincarnated on Iteru as Ramesses.

15,419 BR: Gormsson II easily takes Awal from Iteru and founds the new city of Sandurbjorg, some Squidians, having absorbed Awal culture by this time, flee to Muungano, conquer it from the Vikings and rename it Planet Squid.

15,418 BR: Gormsson II dies suddenly with no heir, plunging his massive empire into civil war

15,413 BR: By this time revolts have broken out in all of Ryu 108's outside territories

15,412 BR: Aurea becomes independent from Ryu 108

15,411 BR: Awal is retaken by Iteru

15,408 BR: Ryu 108 loses its territories on Atlantea, all of which become independent

15,407 BR: Ryu 108 manages to crush a revolt in Jökullgard, making that their only remaining colony

15,405 BR: Alfred I wins Ryu 108's Civil War and reunifies the planet by becoming king

15,404 BR: Alfred I signs a peace treaty with all of Ryu 108's enemies, ending the Viking Age

15,403 BR: By this time, all of the former Viking colonies (except Eyjagard) have changed their names: Sandurbjorg became Qhatar, New Yggdrasil became Baobab, and New Asgard became Astras

15,400 BR: Ice Age on Ryu 108 ends, farming once again becomes a viable source of food

15,399 BR: Awal revolts against Iteru rule

15,399-15,384 BR: Awal War of Independence

15,384 BR: After being defeated by Awal at the Battle of Caravan, Iteru recognizes Awal's independence after listening to the urges of Ramesses

15,384-4,223 BR: Galactic Golden Age (The Galaxy enters a period of rapid cultural achievements, with plentiful written records and very limited wars)

15,326 BR: Caiman refugees originally from Aztlan land on and conquer Iteru, forcing the native population into slavery. These Caimans call themselves "Kroks".

13,500 BR: By this time, the Guants have conquered Zebusylvania and Tangolia and reunified Aurea

13,500 BR: By this time, the city of Astrás has become Aurea's capital

12,000 BR: By this time, the Ishgas have completely forgotten their origins

10,000 BR: By this time, the only people who remember the Viking origins of Pritani's Royal Family are Pritani's Royal Family

4,580 BR: Kurush I becomes king of the tiny City-state of Alkali on Awal

4,574 BR: Kurush I takes control of Caravan

4,574 BR: Kurush I besieges al-Sariq

4,573 BR: Kurush I takes control of al-Sariq, has its king executed, and moves his capital there. Kurush I calls his new lands the Haxamanian Empire

4,572 BR: Not wanting a repeat of the Vikings, Tengols, and Bharatamis, the galaxy sends a coalition to Awal to destroy the Haxamanians before they become a threat

4,571 BR: Coalition gets off to a good start, routing the Haxamanians at the Battle of Caravan

4,570 BR: Haxamanians trap much larger Coalition army in Khaterwaul Canyon and massacre it

4,569 BR: Haxamanians conquer Qhatar, unifying Awal

4,560 BR: Kurush I invades Iteru

4,560 BR: Kurush defeats Iteru Army at the Battle of Bahariyah Oasis, allowing him to take control of Iteru

4,552 BR: Kurush I dies in his sleep, Dariush becomes Haxamanian Emperor

4,547 BR: Dariush invades Bharatam

4,545 BR: After being defeated by the Haxamanians at the Battle of Fig River, the Mongoose Empire becomes a Haxamanian puppet state

4,539 BR: Haxamanians invade Ryu 108, but their siege of Bjørnholm fails and they are forced to retreat

4,538 BR: Haxamanians invade Ryu 97, but only conquer Nha Dun

4,527 BR: Haxamanians invade Navayu, but are forced to flee by The Great Spirit

4,519 BR: Dariush dies from a cerebral hemorrhage and is replaced by his son Khshayarsa

4,518 BR: Khshayarsa hires the Shadow Magician Assur

4,516 BR: Assur creates the Dark Genie Azeeza to help run Awal

4,515 BR: Azeeza puts a spell on Khshayarsa that makes him immune to dying of natural causes

4,515-4,260 BR: Haxamanian Age (Haxamanian Empire dominates large section of the galaxy and nobody is really in a position to do anything about it)

4,260 BR: Khshayarsa invades Aurea with 100 million troops

4,260 BR: Aurean Army annihilated at the battles of Mount Decissa and Nikapetra

4,260 BR: Haxamanians win costly victory at the Battle of Zakrini, allowing them to advance north, take Astras, and burn it to the ground. Aureans do not give up, however.

4,259 BR: Aurean navy defeats Haxamanians at the Battle of Astras Harbor

4,259 BR: Aurean Army retakes and rebuilds Astras

4,259 BR: Khshayarsa withdraws from Aurea completely after losing the Battle of Sozippa

4,259-4,200 BR: Haxamanian Empire in period of decline

4,241 BR: Maurice II becomes King of Pagomenos on Aurea

4,223 BR: Maurice II has a son named Alexandros, who is the next Man of Light and Shadow

4,211 BR: Maurice II is assassinated by a drunk man, Alexandros becomes King of Aurea

4,211 BR: After learning the history of Aurea and learning of the Haxamanians' burning of Astras years earlier, Alexandros prepares a massive force to invade the Haxamanian Empire

4,210-4,201 BR: Alexandros conquers the entire Haxamanian Empire, but rules it over himself instead of allowing its captured territories to go free

4,201-4,200 BR: Alexandros lets the power of ruling over a massive empire go to his head and begins mistreating the conquered peoples

4,205 BR: Alexandros begins planning an invasion of the rest of the galaxy

4,203 BR: Alexandros attacks the Mongoose Empire and battles them to a draw at the Battle of Sherakhand. Alexandros is forced to retreat by rioting troops

4,200 BR: The Gods punish Alexandros by killing him. Before he could reincarnate, Dyeus trapped the Shadow Spirit in a jar and sealed the jar in a temple deep in the Aztlanian jungle, putting the Shadow Cycle on an indefinite hiatus. All of the land conquered by Alexandros and the Haxamanians is redistributed to its former owners. The Gods announce they will no longer intervene in mortal affairs


4,200 BR: Deus Ex Machina, seeking to regain the favor of The Gods, briefly reawakens The Great Drakon to destroy the Melzac Academy

4,200-18 BR: Ishga Golden Age

2,000ish BR: The Norns write the Prophecy of Two

1,400 BR: The Ishgas, having more-or-less completely urbanized the surface of their homeworld, colonize the Hosea and Carpenter systems for farmland

1,350 BR: King Arturius is born on Pritani. Boudicca is also born on Pritani around this time