How the Light and Shadow Cycle Works

This page will describe the details of the Light and Shadow Cycle. This probably should go on the Insane Zane Site (since most of this stuff will not be revealed in the books until then), but there is still enough of this stuff is set up in the epilogue of the final Weasel Sagas book for this to make sense here. First of all, as the Man of Light and Shadow is the fusion of both Weasel and Tate (the stars of the Prophecy of Two), he is the only person in The Galaxy who can use both Astral and Shadow Magic without destroying his soul. Due to the fact that the Shadow Spirit is in fact a manifestation of the god Zeus, the Man of Light and Shadow is technically a demigod and possesses some godly abilities. Also, the Man of Light and Shadow is not strictly a man (as the third one in the cycle is planned to be female). Since the Man of Light and Shadow is an infinite chain of reincarnations, the current Man of Light and Shadow has the ability to communicate with their past lives and ask them for advice (for example Zane can ask Weasel, Tate, and Olivia for advice). They can also recall memories from their past lives, but not procedural memories (each incarnation of the Man of Light and Shadow must learn all their skills on their own). Each incarnation of Man of Light and Shadow's birthplace is dictated by a cycle based on the reverse order of the Prophecy of Two's usage of Shadow Artifacts: Arturia, Caput Taiium, Eaglypt, Atlantea, and Aztlan. The Man of Light and Shadow can also go into Shadow Mode, a state of mind where their strength, speed, and defensive capabilities are all multiplied 50x and their eyes glow with green light while their body glows with gold light. However, this only happens during a solar or lunar eclipse and the Man of Light and Shadow has no conscious control of what happens in this state. However, once the Man of Light and Shadow completely masters both Astral and Shadow Magic, they have the ability to enter Shadow Mode at will without an eclipse, and also have the ability to remain in complete control over their actions in this state. While a Man of Light and Shadow is near impossible to beat in Shadow Mode, if by some chance the Man of Light and Shadow is killed in Shadow Mode, the Light and Shadow Cycle will be broken and the Man of Light and Shadow will fall below the Plane of Existence and disappear from reality. The Man of Light and Shadow will also meet an Animal Companion at some point in their life that will form a permanent bond with them. The Animal Companion is always the same age as the Man of Light and Shadow and has the exact same lifespan (the one exception to this rule is Weasel's chimera Kyknos, who was born years after Weasel, but died at the same time as Weasel). The Animal Companion follows a similar reincarnation cycle to the Man of Light and Shadow themself. Also, the Man of Light and Shadow always obtains a Signature Weapon at some point during their lifetime. The same rules apply for Animal Companions as Signature Weapons (with Signature Weapons breaking when the current Man of Light and Shadow dies, and being forged anew when the next one is born). Here is a list of the planned Men of Light and Shadow, each of which is planned to have their own book series further down the road: