
Limbo is where the dead go if they cannot go to Heaven or Hell. Conditions for being sent to Limbo include being a suicide victim, being killed by a demon, being perfectly balanced between good and evil, being brain dead (the brain dead will be transported to Heaven or Hell when the rest of their body dies), and falling below the Plane of Existence. However, there have been instances of mortals cheating death and drinking from the Well of Annwn with a silver ladle, allowing them to visit limbo for a short period of time. As Limbo is awkwardly placed at the confluence of the Sands of Time and the Plane of Existence, people can jump into any point in space and time from Limbo, but their actions will only mean anything to them (it is a lot like being in a dream world). Limbo connects to the Sands of Time, The Plane of Existence, The Labyrinth, Heaven, Hell, The Duat, and Olympus.