Bob The Blob

BOB (Blob of Buoyancy) was a project began by the Ishga Government to help stranded sailors at sea by floating to them. However, the Ishgas could not find the materials to get it to work, and the project was abandoned. For the next 20 years, the putty-like material lay floating in a stasis chamber in a top-secret lab on Ishga. However, 20 years later, while Cole and his friends were fighting Ali Baboon's minions for control of the lab, someone knocked over a container of radioactive waste that fell into the jar. This caused the blob to come to life and attack everyone in its surrounding area. Due to its naive, childlike personality, Bob was easily convinced by Ali Baboon's minions to stop attacking and join them. With Ali Baboon's minions, Bob terrorized the planet of Ishga. Due to the fact that his body was neither liquid nor solid, he could change into almost any shape conceivable. Bullets have no effect on him (they just pass through his body harmlessly), and he can even fully regenerate from being blown to smithereens without any physical or psychological repercussions. Boiling temperatures and freezing cold have no effect on him, neither do acids or bases. During his rampage on Ishga, he would eat anyone who got in the way of Ali Baboon's minions, earning him the nickname "The Amoeba". During the battle in Big Ben against Ali Baboon and his minions, nobody on Cole's team could kill Bob, despite managing to dispatch all of Ali Baboon's minions and get Ali Baboon himself arrested. Again, due to his childlike nature, all Cole and his team had to do was explain the concept of morality to Bob and he immediately ceased being destructive. As he is technically nonliving, Bob is invulnerable to disease and old age. To this day, he lives in an apartment on Ishga where he must be constantly supervised and cared for by Michael due to his childishness.