
Around the time Weasel and his friends were reconquering Vigam, Brett was built in a factory on Ishgabangaloodoo to help with the Ishga Expeditionary Force's trip to Atlantea. He was a Guardbot, an armed robot to protect the Ishgas from any hostile natives that may appear when they are trying to collect artifacts. However, while he was guarding the Expeditionary Force while they were building an exploration dome over an area of reef, he was attacked by Crustacean Legionnaires and taken into the Crustacean Empire. Later, when Weasel and his friends arrived, looking for a way into the Trial of the Sharks, they found and freed Brett. Brett agreed to join their group and help them sneak into the capital of the Crustacean Empire, where he helped them negotiate with the Lobster King. However, negotiations soon ran afoul, and the Lobster King unleashed Chrome Claw on them. After Brett helps them slay the beast, the Crustaceans realize that Weasel and his friends are too strong to be brushed aside and agree to stop attacking the Ishga Expeditionary Force. Brett is later killed by the Lawbot during the final battle.