Aurean-Ishga Empire

Government Type:

Originally an absolute Triarchy, later morphed into a parliamentary Triarchy and then a parliamentary Tetrarchy as the war went on

Official Language:

English (referred to in-universe as Human)


Various pantheons all devoted to technically the same Gods


Gregorian (referred to in-universe as the Human Calendar)

National Holidays:

New Year's Day (Januray 1): General festivities to bring in the New Year

Light and Shadow Day (January 12): Commemorates the day Cydbwysedd became the first Man of Light and Shadow

Arturia Day (January 15): Commemorates the day The Pendragon was slain and Arturian independence was restored

Weasel Day (January 18): Commemorates the birthday of Weasel, the first Southern Tetrarch

Ryu 97 New Year (Usually late January or early February, depends on their zodiac): A festival originating on Ryu 97 to bring in the new year; it started out as a planet holiday exclusive to Ryu 97, but we thought it was a fun holiday so we just made it a national thing

Aurea Day (March 23): Commemorates the day the Aurean Alliance forced all Tatian Forces on Aurea to surrender

Arturius Day (April 4): Commemorates the birthday of Arturius, the first Eastern Tetrarch

Beth Day (August 8): Commemorates the birthday of Beth, the first Western Tetrarch

Alliance Day (May 16): Commemorates the day that Michael signed the Alliance Charter, forming the Aurean Alliance

Ishgabangaloodoo Day (October 9): Commemorates the day the Battle of the Ishga Skies was won

Michael Day (December 16): Commemorates the birthday of Michael, the first Northern Tetrarch

Paxica Day (December 29): Commemorates the day Weasel defeated Tate and won The War

Election Day (December 30): Election day was made a holiday to maximize voter turnout and get people politically engaged


Ishgabangaloodoo (Northern), Arturia (Eastern), Aurea (Southern), Paxica (Western), Aurea (Supreme)


Galactic Credits (1 Galactic Credit is worth about 0.76 US Dollars)

Heads of State:

Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western Ministers (De Jure), Council of the Four Monarchs (Ceremonial)


Aurean-Ishga-Arturian Charter (Signed 21 AR), later replaced by Aurean-Ishga-Arturian-Paxican Charter (Signed 21 AR)

Branches of Government:

-Executive: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Ministers; Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Tetrarchs

-Legislative: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Parliaments; Supreme Parliament

-Judicial: Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Supreme Courts, Ultimate Court

National Animals:

Golden Retriever (North), Dragon (East), Sand Worm (South), Bison (West)


You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


-Aurean Navy

Ships by size (descending order)


-Large Transports

-Cruisers/Destroyers (Used interchangeably)

-Medium Transports



-Small Transports

-Mobile Artillery

-Fighters and Bombers


-Aurean Army

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Ishga Navy

Ships by size (descending order)





-Ground Assault Ships


-Mobile Artillery

-Fighters and Bombers

-Ishga Army

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Arturian Army

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Arturian Navy (Did not exist until the last 3 months of the war)

Ships by size (descending order)



-Cruisers/Destroyers (Used interchangeably)



-Mobile Artillery

-Fighters and Bombers

-Paxican Navy (Did not exist until after the end of the war)

Ships by size (descending order)




-Cruisers/Destroyers (Used interchangeably)



-Mobile Artillery

-Fighters and Bombers

-Paxican Army (Did not exist until after the end of the war)

Organization (descending order)

-Army (3 companies)

-Company (10 legions)

-Legion (10 cohorts)

-Cohort (6 centuries; except the 1st cohort in a legion, which has 12 centuries)

-Century (10 squads)

-Squad (8 men)

-Planets within the empire are free to develop their own militaries as long as their primary allegiance is to the Aurean-Ishga Empire