
Garrett was a Landsquid born in Waterfront on Planet Squid 20 years before Rhys invaded Aurea. He grew up living a relatively normal life until Jermie attacked his home town of Waterfront with his army. Seeing his father murdered by Jermie's troops right before his eyes transformed him from a fun-loving and energetic kid to a brooding, moody, hyper-logical and cynical adult. After using his wits to escape his hometown to a refugee camp, he met Fundisa Ironhoof, a zebra from Zulundi, and became friends with her. Garrett and Fundisa applied to be put on a waiting list for a spaceship to Aurea, away from the war. Within a year, their names were called and they were put on a flight to Wancyra on Aurea. Once on Aurea, they moved in with two refugees from elsewhere named Nate and Maxwell in a large apartment for immigrants. They all became friends pretty quickly and joined Weasel and Ryan when Rhys invaded Wancyra, looking for the Key to the Jungle. A year after Rhys's death at the hands of Ryan, the planet is attacked by Lord Whelan and Lord Ombra. Weasel and his friends, including Garrett, all get back together to defeat this new threat, with the assistance of a marooned Eaglyptian sailor named Taftenkhamun. However, Fundisa Ironhoof is killed. A few months after this, Weasel and his friends go to Planet Squid to investigate troubling events there. It turned out that the evil Tate used the Key to the Jungle to break Jermie out of his jungle prison in an effort to learn Shadow Magic from him. Garrett also reconnects with his roots in Squid Town and Waterfront while they were there. Jermie and Tate are eventually defeated at the cost of their new ally, Tristan. Weasel and his friends prepare to head back to Aurea, but instead wind up on Aztlan after hearing of Tate's plans there. Despite their best efforts, Tate succeeds in destroying Aztlan and capturing the sous of the Lords of Xibalba. A few months later, Weasel and his friends go to Ryu 108 to stop Tate from using Shadow Magic to unwind Jörmungandr and destroy the galaxy. Though they succeed in stopping him from unwinding Jörmungandr, he learns Shadow Magic and escapes with his army, but not before officially declaring war on Aurea. Soon after, Weasel and his friends head to Awal Kabab when they hear of Tate's plans to steal the Lamp of Luxury. However, this was all an elaborate scheme to lure them off Aurea so Tate's army could attack the undefended planet and take control of the Aurean Government. Garrett is killed trying to cover Weasel and his friends' escape from Awal Kabab's Chronoverge.