
Weight: 6.6 - 14 lbs.

Height: 1'5" - 2'3"

Length: 3' - 4'

Wingspan: 5'10" - 7'6"

Social Unit: Group

Status: Locally Common

Native to: Aurea

Habitat: Tropical and subtropical coasts

The Rhamphorhynchus (usually called Rhampho for short) is a small pterosaur native to the Pontic Ocean, the Tauropean and Centralian Seas, and the upper portions of the Pheron River System on the Planet Aurea. While obligate carnivores, rhamphos pose little danger to sentients due to their small size, with even the largest ones only growing to around the size of an eagle. While capable of eating small land animals like mice or lizards in a pinch, fish and other marine life makes up over 90% of their diet, having evolved beaks lined with forward-facing needle-like teeth for catching them.