
Amarok was born millennia ago as the result of the God Zeus having an affair with a mortal on Olympia. He was originally named Lycaon, and was a demigod who transformed into a wolf every time he looked at a full moon. During his wolf state, he was completely wild and had no control of his actions. He would always wake up the morning after in human form with no memory of what happened while he was in his wolf state. Since one of the people he ate during one of his rampages was an enemy of the Gods, Zeus promoted him to a Spirit. He was now permanently in his wolf form, with no memory of his human form, and with the same wild, evil instincts he had before. He then went on another rampage, this time killing and eating many innocent people on Olympia. As a result, Zeus banished him to the wilds of Caput Tatiium's Arctic region (the area was uninhabited at the time). A couple of millennia later, however, the tribes that would eventually become Caput Tatiium's Arctic tribes moved into the area after the Hawkaida chased them out of the Taiga further south. Seeing his first opportunity to eat humans in millennia, Amarok would use his shapeshifting abilities to appear as a lonely, sad wolf in an effort to attract children. When children would come to pet the wolf, Amarok would transform into his savage form and devour the child before they could escape. Aside from his shape-shifting abilities, Amarok also possessed the powers of limited mind control and telepathy, as well as teleportation. For the next few millennia, he would torment the population of the Arctic by eating children, which he began to eat almost exclusively. The best hunters were repeatedly sent out to kill the beast, but none of the expeditions sent out ever returned. Amarok's only real threat was The Great Spirit, the spirit of Caput Tatiium's land. The two would fight constantly, but none could ever destroy the other. Since they are both fed by Caput Tatiium's life force, when Tate and his family conquered Caput Tatiium and The Great Spirit was forced into a deep sleep, Amarok's strength doubled since he no longer had to share the planet's energy. His attacks on children in the Arctic doubled, and the situation got to the point where population growth in the villages came to a screeching halt. The crisis grew to the point where The Great Spirit could not be reawakened until Amarok's power was drastically reduced. Eventually, Weasel and his friends arrived in The Arctic, having captured all of the rest of Caput Tatiium. Aiming to reawaken The Great Spirit in order to get to Tate's Castle, Weasel and his friends sought out Amarok, chasing reported sightings across the Arctic until Weasel cornered him in his cave near the north pole. Weasel and Amarok fought a hard battle, but Weasel had to withdraw after being bitten by Amarok. While Weasel very nearly died from the venom in Amarok's bite, Chief Ross, whose son was eaten by Amarok years earlier, finally had his revenge when he knocked the great beast unconscious with a blow to the head. Once Amarok was rendered unconscious, The Great Spirit was reawakened and took Amarok's half of Caput Tatiium's energy, putting Amarok into a deep sleep for years to come.