1st Battle of Bjørnholm


Around two months after the events on Aztlan, Tate sought a secluded place to learn Shadow Magic. When he found Ryu 108 to be the perfect place, he invaded the planet and easily crushed the defenders. The king, Ragnar Lothbrok, was kidnapped by Prince Lane of the North and taken into the Ulvskog. The people of Bjørnholm, the planet's capital, were told that Ragnar Lothbrok was simply in hiding there, and a resistance movement called Bear Lives Matter formed. This resistance movement was dedicated to freeing Ryu 108 from Tate's control and restoring Ragnar Lothbrok to the throne. Around a week after Tate's attack, Weasel and his friends landed on the planet and joined up with Bear Lives Matter. However, one night, after busting a few Bear Lives Matter members out of a dungeon, Weasel and his friends were ambushed by Tate's army.


As they are about to be slaughtered, they hear a war horn bellowing from the Ulvskog as the northern gate bursts open and thousands of wolf warriors pour into the city, catching Tate’s forces by surprise and driving them south, out of the city and onto the beach. While Weasel, his friends, and Bear Lives Matter team up with the wolves, Tate’s army gathers into the formation of a shield wall on the beach. Even with the Wolves and Bear Lives Matter, Weasel and his friends are still basically outnumbered 3-1. As a result, Weasel decides to send a cavalry regiment down the beach to test the strength of the shield wall. While they cannot pierce the wall and are forced to retreat, the front lines of the shield wall run up the beach and attempt to chase the retreating cavalry. Realizing he can use this to his advantage, Weasel sends another regiment at the front lines, causing them to run up the beach and chase them when they retreat. However, Weasel orders the cavalry to turn back around at the last minute, catching the front line completely by surprise. As the front line is being slaughtered, Weasel orders the rest of his soldiers to charge, forcing the remnants of the front line to crash into the rest of their troops in panic, causing chaos in the ranks and allowing Weasel and his army to easily take them apart. By the time Tate’s army surrenders, it has been reduced to less than half of its size, with bodies lying all over the beach. The defeated soldiers agree to help Weasel and his friends get into Elliot’s Palace the next morning. The next morning, Weasel, his friends, the captured Tatian Soldiers, Bear Lives Matter, and the Wolf Army leave their camp on the beach and head back into the undefended city of Bjørnholm, where the Tatian Soldiers point to a large wooden building, which they say is where Ragnar Lothbrok used to rule from. However, they say that before they enter, they must get the key from the top of the Flag Tower at the center of town. After they easily deal with a few soldiers in there, they take the key from the top level of the tower and change the flag from a Tatian Flag to an Aurean Flag. Once this is done, they break into Elliot’s Palace, where they order his arrest. However, it takes Weasel, Garett, Maxwell, Ryan, Taftenkhamun, Nate, Cole, Kira, Shelby, Erin, Ashley, and Delaney to defeat him. Once Elliot is defeated, Weasel’s army takes him to the City Dungeon. Once this is done, Bjørnholm is freed and the Wolf Army goes back to the Ulvskog while Weasel, his friends, Bear Lives Matter, and the city of Bjørnholm celebrates for a while.


See Battle of the Ulvskog.