Felipe de Buenhombre

Felipe de Buenhombre was born on Rinascita 22 years before Book 1. He grew up in Hawikuh, one of the Seven Cities of Gold the Monquistadors somehow picked up and moved after a raid on Caput Tatiium thousands of years earlier. When he was 15, his parents died when their ship was attacked by space pirates. As a result, Felipe began to roam around aimlessly in Hawikuh as a street urchin until he assembled a few more street urchins. Since they had to stick together due to being on the streets, they founded the Aztlanian Expedition, a group of Monquistadors aimed at going to Aztlan and investigating reports of immense amounts of riches there. King Ferdinand of Rinascita eventually granted them a charter, weapons, and ships, allowing them to travel to Aztlan. They eventually landed in a marshy area east of Tenochtitlan that would soon be called Monquistador Swamp. They founded a colony there called Veracruz, from which they launched a raid on Tenochtitlan. They were beaten back, however, and the Aztlanian king Josh of Pearce agreed to allow them to stay on Aztlan and trade with the locals, provided they did not leave Monquistador Swamp. However, soon after the trading began, the Monquistadors began accidentally spreading a horrible disease called Bigpox that the Aztlanians had never been exposed to before. This killed off large portions of the population and vaccines from Ishgabangaloodoo had to be imported to keep it from spreading to new people. Felipe and the Monquistadors received much of the blame for the pandemic after it was over, with King Josh of Pearce receiving numerous demands to expel them. However, since the Monquistadors were doing so much for Aztlan's economy, Josh allowed them to stay. A few years later, Tate and his soldiers arrived on Aztlan, searching for the Horn of Huitzilopochtli. They easily defeated the Monquistadors in combat, forcing Felipe to allow them to sign an agreement allowing them to enter the Pyramid of Storm Eye that Veracruz was built around. When Weasel and his friends showed up, Felipe and the other Monquistadors attempted to help them beat Tate and his army to the pyramid, but failed. Much later, after Weasel and his friends failed to stop Tate from setting Xibalba loose on Aztlan, Felipe and the Monquistadors were forced to abandon Veracruz and get their ship ready to leave the planet before they were killed by all the debris raining down from the sky. Morgan, having escaped Xibalba at the last minute, stowed away in a cargo barrel as that was her only way off the planet at that point. Once the Monquistador ship was safely in space, Morgan and Drew came out of their barrels and told Felipe that they had stowed away to escape Aztlan's destruction. Soon after, Morgan received a distress call from Weasel and his friends, who were fighting Tate's forces on Ryu 108. Felipe then changed the ship's course for Ryu 108, allowing them to meet up with Weasel and his friends, who thought they were dead until that point. Felipe then joined Weasel and his friends formally, helping them finish their mission on Ryu 108, and accompanying them on their ill-fated mission to Awal Kabab. At the end of the mission, Felipe was killed covering Weasel and his friends' retreat.