17 Ghunsa Rtn

A 22-day Teahouse Trek from Sukhetar to Kanchenjunga S-BC and then via SeleLa pass to Kanchenjunga N-BC and back to Taplejung in Eastern Nepal.

Trek Day - 17 Return Trek from Kangbachen to Ghunsa

Lots of snow lying on the trail from overnight snowfall ... as we head back from Kangbachen to Ghunsa - 8:45AM

Trek Day - 17 Return Trek Kangbachen to Ghunsa

On 31st Oct 2015 - There has been heavy snowfall, all night it seemed, as we watched the white scene outside after getting up at Kangbachen ...

Overnight snow of few inches around our Teahouse in the morning

We started return trek back to Ghunsa at 8:30AM. Soon we passed the "Special Tongba" place across a stream, where we had several rounds of Tongba last evening. And had walked back unsteadily in snow to our White House for dinner and sleep.

This is the Special Tongba place ... of last night's party!

Awesome walk thru Rhododendron forests with snow laden limbs

Yaks on the way ......... pretty tame they were

Nearing Ghunsa now 12:15AM .. snow on ground is disappearing ... and orange leaves trees are appearing by the river side

We reached our Ghunsa "Snow Lion" teahouse at 2:00PM. We ordered Lunch and while waiting for that to be cooked had Rakshi meanwhile. I gulped down 2 glasses of that strong stuff to quench my thirst and that was too much. Went to my room and slept off in a drunken stupor. Not sure if I had lunch or not.

Album of all of today's awesome snow Pics:

Our Day-wise trek details are in the sub-page Menu links

Outside snow laden everywhere ... but sky looked blue and clear

Looking back at Kangbachen .. after starting return trek to Ghunsa

Plenty of snow everywhere ... but wasn't difficult to walk on the snow

Beautiful soft-snow walk back to Ghunsa

Back at the teashop (10:30AM) .... nearing the log bridge

The River widens as we near Ghunsa (12:50PM)

We have reached Ghunsa ... and the familiar Mani-Wall in Main street


Highlight Pics (56 Pics) of the Trek

Trek Day-wise Albums (24)

All (856 Pics) of the Trek

Itinerary :

A 22-Day Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek - first to South Base Camp (Oktang) and then to North Base Camp (Pang-Pema) via the SeleLa pass crossover .... as per following schedule:

7-10th Oct 2015 Kathmandu - Preparation, Purchases and Permits

11th Oct 2015 Bus Kathmandu to Birtamode

12th Oct 2015 Bus Birtamode to Taplejung

13-14th Oct 2015 Rest Days in Taplejung

Day-1 Thu 15th Oct > Taplejung - Sukhetar - Kunjari

Day-2 Fri 16th Oct > Kunjari - Yanglang

Day-3 Sat 17th Oct > Yangland - Mamanakhe

Day-4 Sun 18th Oct > Mamankhe - Yamphudin (Sherpagaon)

Day-5 Mon 19th Oct > Yamphudin - Lasiya Bhanjyang

Day-6 Tue 20th Oct > Lasiya Bhanjyang - Tortong

Day-7 Wed 21st Oct > Tortong - Cheram (Tseram)

Day-8 Thu 22nd Oct > Acclimitization Day in Cheram

Day-9 Fri 23rd Oct > Cheram - Ramche

Day-10 Sat 24th Oct > Ramche - Oktang (South-BC) - Ramche

Day-11 Sun 25th Oct > Ramche - Selela Camp

Day-12 Mon 26th Oct > Selela Camp - Gunsa

Day-13 Tue 27th Oct > Gunsa - Rest Day

Day-14 Wed 28th Oct > Gunsa - Kangabachen

Day-15 Thu 29th Oct > Kangbachen - Lohnak

Day-16 Fri 30th Oct > Lohnak - Kangabachen (PangPema-NBC skipped due to bad weather)

Day-17 Sat 31st Oct > Kangabachen - Gunsa

Day-18 Sun 1st Nov > Gunsa - Thangyani

Day-19 Mon 2nd Nov > Thangyani - Sukhetham

Day-20 Tue 3rd Nov > Sukhetham - Chiruwa

Day-21 Wed 4th Nov > Chiruwa - Gadi Danda

Day-22 Thu 5th Nov > Gadi Danda - Taplejung

6th Nov 2015 Bus Taplejung to Kakarbitta

7th Nov 2015 Rest Day in Kakarbitta

8th Nov 2015 Kakarbitta - Bagdogra Airport (and flight home)