04 Lamjura

The "Classic" Trek route to Mt. Everest Base Camp from Jiri to Namche-Bazaar

This page describes Trek Day -4 : Sete > Lamjura

Bhavnath looking fresh ... before starting 4th day trek to Lamjura-La

Looking back at Sete Sherpa Lodge as we start our trek at 6:30AM

We saw donkeys on the trail to Lamjura-La, for first time straining to climb the steep trail up.

Finally at 1-00PM, we finally reach the Buddha Teahouse (some 200m below the Top) where we had lunch. After lunch, we started for Junbesi .... but seeing the rain decided to stay here one night.

Day-4 -- 28th Sept 2007: Sete ( 2520M) to Lamjura-La (3530M)

6:30AM - Started trek early, after breakfast. It was to be a hard trekking day, climbing 1000M+ to a height of 3530M to Lamjura Bhanjyang Pass, the highest point on the Jiri-Namche section. Adding to the difficulties was a constant drizzle, which meant wearing the plastic raincoat and thus heat-sweat inside from the steep climbing effort.

View from trail looking back, as we leave Sete. Kenja is in the valley deep below and Bhandar is across the valley on the green meadow seen to left-center of pic. On the right edge of pic is Sete's Sherpa Lodge, that we have just left and started the trek.

The Sherpa porter-train is a regular sight on the trail; rain or sunshine. Here they are at Lamjura, with umbrellas stuck on the load and the standard load-rest-stick on the right hand. Each porter carries 90-100kgs!

We decided (like a French couple did) to take a break in Lamjura's cloudy & misty surroundings & also get a bit of extra acclimitization at that high altitude and go on to Junbesi only the next day. The German ladies group went ahead after lunch and so we did not see them again until the 16th day between Lobuche to Gorakshep.

Budhha Lodge - below Lamjura-Top where we stayed 1 night

The Sherpa porters continue climbing even in the rain