6 Nubra

J&K, Zanskar and Ladakh Bus Tour

Leh > Kardung-La > Khalsar > Sumer-Gompa > Hunder Dunes > Diskit > Leh

On 23rd May 2006 at 10:15 am we left Leh in a Toyota Qualis for a two day trip to the Nubra Valley. We had got the necessary Inner Line permit through the Hotel's Travel agent.

At Noon, we reached the Khardung-La Pass, which claims to be the Highest Motorable road in the world. It was pretty cold and windy but the weather was pretty clear and we stopped for 10-15 minutes to get all the pictures we wanted.

12:00PM - Some of the younger passengers played in the snow piled up around the hills at the Pass.

And the elderly pax visited multi-religion Gods in the small temple by the road at the Khardung-La pass.

View looking back at the KhardungLa Top (comm.tower) after 5 mins drive down from the top.

2:00PM - Qualis Driver Thilay Sherpa and me - Shyok Valley View

11:55AM - View from the Khardung-La Pass at 18380 ft

The memorial on the Pass, for the 18 men of Army's 201 Engineers Regiment, who lost their life while building the Khardung-La pass road.

View as we approach the Shyok Valley

2:00 PM - First view of Syok river valley; 14kms from Khardung-La

2:30PM - View from Khalsar Village .. where we stopped for lunch

3:30PM - We arrive at the Samstemling Gompa at Sumur, on the Nubra River side, near the confluence of Nubra and Shyok rivers.

3:30PM -The confluence of Nubra & Shyok rivers from Sumur Gompa

The various buddhist idols inside the Sumer Gompa

View from Sumur Gompa

Inside Sumur Gompa

The Olthang GH ... where we stayed in Diskit, Shyok Valley

The Prayer wheel at Diskit Bus Stop

24th May 2006 - 5:55AM

Diskit Gompa ..... nestled up on the hill above Diskit Village

8:30AM - The Sand Dunes at Hunder

Another view of the sand dunes & the barren mountains at Hunder

9:08AM - A look at the strange erosions on the hillside at Hunder ............ as we leave Hunder, headed back to Leh.

Final snow covered view from Khardung-La Pass, as we head for Leh.

The Army Check point .... beyond which ordinary tourists cannot go .... 13Km short of Thoise airbase and trail leading to Siachen.

The Bridge at Hunder that leads to Thoise and Siachen.

Driver Thilay squats to rest on top of one of the sand dunes at Hunder

12:30PM At Khardung-La Pass ... on our return journey to Leh.


We arrived back at our Leh Hotel at 2:00pm on 24th May 2006