

1. Students are divided into groups.

2. They are given some hidden words, related to Maths. They could be concepts, Mathematicians... 

3. They are given also some letters with a number written on them.

4. To reveal those words they should solve some equations, one per letter. If they solve it correctly, they get a number to identify the specific letter they need.

5. Once they reveal the word, they should give it to the teacher.

6. They will have a limited time to reveal the word. If the time is over, they'll have to give to the teacher the letters they have found or the word they guess.

7. They will get: 

¬ 1 point for each correct letter.

¬ 5 points if the word is correct.

¬ 2 extra points for being the first to hand the correct word to the teacher.


Se divide a los alumnos en grupos. Se entrega al alumnado un conjunto de letras con unos números asociados. Luego se entregan palabras en clave cuyas letras tendrán que ser desveladas mediante la resolución de ciertos ejercicios.

Cada grupo recibe un punto si acierta la palabra correcta y dos puntos, si es el primero en responder. Además, recibirá un punto extra si ofrece las soluciones a la clave, además de las letras concretas.