

Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns removing objects from distinct heaps. On each turn, a player must remove at least one object, and may remove any number of objects provided they all come from the same heap (from wikipedia).

We will start with five piles of 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 objects (lines to cross out).

Hedge a bet

Students are divided into groups and they are ‘offered’ a sum of money: 100 Euros.

The teacher has a list of questions related to the topic he/she would like to revise.

Students have to bet a part of their money before knowing the question.

If they are right the money adds up to what they already have. If they are wrong the amount of money will decrease with the money they bet. 

Bets are done without knowing how much money the other team will bet.

Guess the number

Piensa en un número del 1 al 60 y dime el color de los recuadros en los que está. Mi estupenda percepción visual dará con él en un santiamén.

Math Bingo

The rules are similar to "normal" bingo, but the speaker (usually the theacher) has to call an operation, instead of a number. The students will perform the operation and then check if they have the result in their cards.

To prepare the game the students have to draw their own card and distribute the ten numbers they choose, between 1 and 50, in a sorted table with two rows and five columns.


Se divide a los alumnos en grupos. Se entrega al alumnado un conjunto de letras con unos números asociados. Luego se entregan palabras en clave cuyas letras tendrán que ser desveladas mediante la resolución de ciertos ejercicios.

Cada grupo recibe un punto si acierta la palabra correcta y dos puntos, si es el primero en responder. Además, recibirá un punto extra si ofrece las soluciones a la clave, además de las letras concretas.


Play with the year

Try to get any number from 1 to 100 using all the digits of this year. For example: 11 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8.

First say the number you got and then, the operations. Speak only in English.

If possible, you have to say the numbers in the order they appear in the year. For example: 9 = 2 + 0 - 1 + 8, instead of 9 = 8 - 1 + 2 + 0.

It is allowed to use the digits together (38 = 20 + 17) or separated (36 = 2 · 18 + 0).

The digits must be used just once each. It is not correct 

The operations can be +, -, ·, /, !, (), powers and square roots, roundings and truncations...

It's forbidden to repeat the numbers already said, although the operations might be different.

Every number will be awarded with a positive except for some the teacher will announce. Those will be worth two positives.


Chuck Norris Meme Contest

Los memes de Chuck Norris son muy populares en Internet. Hemos dedicado una página de este sitio a ellos.

Meme Chuck Norris

Möbius band

Romantic Mathematical Shape

Amnesia or Who's who

Everyone has the name of a famous mathematician or a math topic stuck onto their back (or forehead) in a way that everyone can read all the names except theirs. By asking questions with yes/no answers, everyone has to work out who they are.

The first time to play only the teacher knows the hidden name.

One example: you have to guess the graph chosen between some of them.

Similar game: who's who.

Scavenger Hunts

Create questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises  etc. Then hide the answers (or just information from each they can extract the answers)  through the classroom. 

Divide the students in small groups and ask them to search around the classroom for them. They can also  find out the answers in the textbooks, encyclopedias, or online.

How not to Die Hard with Math

Short activities

Math games

Math games (basically equivalent fractions and convert fractions to decimals).

My age

How old are you in Jupiter? In which planet is going to be your next birthday?

The 6s

Fill the spaces with any mathematical symbol. It's forbidden to add any other number. No tricks, just mathematical operations.

0  0  0  = 6,      1  1  1  = 6,      2  2  2  = 6,      3  3  3  = 6,      4  4  4  = 6,      5  5  5  = 6

6  6  6  = 6,      7  7  7  = 6,      8  8  8  = 6,      9  9  9  = 6,

The 4s

Get integers, from 0 to 20 with four fours (source).

The coins

You have three coins. Is it possible to flip two adjacent coins so that all of them are heads?

The disappearing information

When you have written a text on the board and no longer need it, erase a small part of it, not more than one line or two lines. Ask a student to read out the text on the board to the rest of the class.

Then let's them try to include the missing word from their memory.

Erase one or two more words.

Continue in this way until the whole text has been erased and remembered.


This game can be done in pairs. One student is facing the blackboard and is not allowed to see the picture. The other student gives directions to him/her but without actually telling the names of the shapes. They are not allowed to discuss with each other.

Another variant is to have a student give directions to the entire class and check what everybody has drawn.

Magic squares and other arithmetical arrangement


a. The numbers from 1 to 9 so that the numbers in each row, column and diagonal all add up to the same number.

b. The numbers from 1 to 7 so that no consecutive numbers must be together.

c. The numbers from 1 to 9 so that the addition of the numbers in each side is 20.

d. The numbers from 1 to 9 so that the addition of the numbers in each side is 17. 

Puzles de Naoki Inaba.

Mistery games

The students  are presented the problem, as a whole class. In order to solve the mistery they can ask questions whose answer could be: "Yes," "No," or "Not Important."

Short Questions

Cálculo mental

Algunos trucos de cálculo mental:

Paper Tearing

Ask the students pick up an A4 sheet of paper and hold it in front of them. They can keep they eyes close and listen carefully or simply listen with attention. They are not supposed to pay attention to the others. They have to follow the instructions but they cannot ask questions.

“Fold your paper in half. 

Tear off the upper left hand corner. 

Rotate it and fold it in half again.  

Tear off the lower right hand corner....”

The instructions may continue as long as the teacher wants. In the end all the sutdents compare the shapes of their sheets of paper.

Find the person

Who has got the same birth month as you

Who has got the same passion with you

Who has visited the same places as you have

Who  likes the same movie as you do

Who  practices the same sports

Who has done something unusual

Which one doesn't belong?

Which one doesn't belong?

Learn from mistakes

The teacher prepares a piece of information on specific topic which is full of mistakes. 

Ask the students to identify the mistakes.

Two truths and one lie

Explanation  (the checkboard pattern is a hint).

Where time is it?